Crane falls at CHUM
A crane fell apart Sunday as it was being dismantled at the CHUM, and broke the window of the blood testing lab, which is closed Monday to clean up. Nobody was hurt. Photos in the Journal.
A crane fell apart Sunday as it was being dismantled at the CHUM, and broke the window of the blood testing lab, which is closed Monday to clean up. Nobody was hurt. Photos in the Journal.
JaneyB 10:53 on 2019-06-10 Permalink
Does this happen in other cities in rich countries? I really wonder sometimes. I know it must but the story feels…very Montreal for some reason.
Marc 11:15 on 2019-06-10 Permalink
I have the same reaction when something horribly incompetent or corrupt happens here. Are we really the worst?
Kate 12:11 on 2019-06-10 Permalink
I think it’s that we’ll see stories like this, but nobody’s going to report this story in other cities – a construction mishap with nobody hurt – just as we’re not likely to get news here of minor mishaps in other places. So we think it doesn’t happen elsewhere.
Similarly, recently I’ve seen photos from other cities that include orange cones and other visible evidence of roadwork, but if people are bemoaning that stuff in other towns, it’s not going to be obvious to us. So we feel uniquely singled out by these inconveniences, but I don’t think it can be so. Any city with paved roads has to do repairs from time to time.
Raymond Lutz 12:53 on 2019-06-10 Permalink
Ah! Falling cranes are a popular subgenre on Youtube. I use those clips in the classroom to talk about static rotational equilibrium. I specially like this one
Even incidents show class politics: at 0m44s you see a boss (wearing a white helmet) walking away while workmen run toward the rumbles to save eventual injured coworkers (they were non, par chance!)
Michael Black 13:06 on 2019-06-10 Permalink
Actually, a few weeks ago the news said a crane banged against a window at the MUHC Complex.
Ironically, a bit earlier the news said there was a fire here in one of the dryers, and the blood department had to close down. They are planning an emergency drill as a result.
I never saw any of this myself, but maybe missed a blood sample.
Faiz Imam 17:43 on 2019-06-10 Permalink
a huge crane fell in Dallas a few days ago. killed someone.
Ditto last month in Seattle.
Given the thousands of cranes operating around the world every day, its probably one of the safest pieces of equipment out there, but when they break, they break bad.
Kevin 09:07 on 2019-06-11 Permalink
@Michael Black
Yup, May 10.
Kate 11:10 on 2019-06-11 Permalink
So that’s two crane mishaps at the CHUM within a couple of weeks.