Place des Nations to be spiffed up
Place des Nations, a brutalist relic of Expo 67, is to be spiffed up, or at least that’s the idea. Fixing it up has been floated before and never carried out.
I’ve walked around in the space, and while it has promise, it isn’t nearly as large as the drawings shown in the article suggest with their ant-sized people.
Max 00:33 on 2019-06-14 Permalink
This is a worthy project. PdN was ground-zero for country-celebrating days during Expo 67, site of the first Jazz Fest in 1980, and home to a bunch of stoner-rock outdoor shows in the late 1970s. The wooden parts are likely beyond salvaging by now. The concrete parts should be good for another couple of decades with a bit of freshening up.
Mr.Chinaski 09:55 on 2019-06-14 Permalink
It really is that large, the renders are true. Kate, you didn’t feel the scope because of all the scafolding and the vegetation but it can hold thousands of people.
Kate 11:12 on 2019-06-14 Permalink
Mr.Chinaski, there wasn’t any scaffolding when I went there, although there was greenery. The whole space just felt more intimate than what I see in your pictures (thanks for the links!).