Architect’s car torched over jail project
Somebody is clearly still unhappy that a firm of architects in St‑Henri worked on a federal migrant detention centre: an architect’s car was torched last week outside his home. La Presse’s writer says “militants d’extrême gauche” claimed the act on a website, and are threatening more damage to the firm’s projects. There have been no arrests.
Mr.Chinaski 21:05 on 2019-06-19 Permalink
It’s not just a firm, it’s the biggest firm in Québec (4th in Canada and part of the top 100 in the world according to the WA100 list).
DeWolf 23:09 on 2019-06-19 Permalink
I guess the strategy is to pressure Lemay into withdrawing from the project. But then another architecture firm would take its place. Wouldn’t it make more sense to be applying pressure to the government to change its policies?
Steve Q 23:43 on 2019-06-19 Permalink
@DeWolf: What you are saying make sense. But these people are far left wing zealot anarchists looking for chaos and out to destroy anything that represents what works in western societies, therefor, they are not on the same state of mind as you or me, per example !
David100 00:09 on 2019-06-20 Permalink
What’s the endgame? Terrorize various people so that the government decides just to let foreign criminals and illegal aliens roam the streets?
Marc 08:34 on 2019-06-20 Permalink
Wow, that degenerated quickly.
Kate 08:37 on 2019-06-20 Permalink
Sure did.
Marc 08:53 on 2019-06-20 Permalink
Here’s a FAQ from Solidarity Across Borders:
david100 13:57 on 2019-06-20 Permalink
I don’t follow how it’s a “degeneration” of discourse to ask why any group would think torching someone’s vehicle (what’s next, his home?) would be a legitimate way of advocating for unqualified unlimited immigration to Canada.