Order of the 1850 St-Jean parade
The typography of the program sheet for the 1850 St-Jean parade is a treat, so it’s worth a closer look at the PDF file linked here. The guys at the Minerve printing shop must have cracked out every display font in the place to list the order of the procession, which involved, among others, a temperance group and its band – and, of course, a mass. Via the BAnQ.
steph 09:05 on 2019-06-24 Permalink
Does anyone know when they abandoned the tradition of starting the parade with a British flag?
Kate 09:13 on 2019-06-24 Permalink
When did the SSJB take a Quebec nationalist turn? Possibly not even till after WWII. But it would take research to pin it down more exactly.
Blork 15:00 on 2019-06-24 Permalink
The second “O” in “procession” is upside down and now that’s all I can see when I look at that poster.
Kate 15:49 on 2019-06-24 Permalink
There are a few other typos – LES ENFANS, pas d’obtacle, and best of all, “mprimerie de la Minerve” at the bottom with no capital I – but that’s a good catch.
Jack 10:25 on 2019-06-25 Permalink
I want to know where they got their money, that group is rich. Big mansion on Sherbrooke , scholarships, banquets and they sponsor every nationalist linguistic or historic grouping. Where did they get that cash….anyone.
Thomas H 17:50 on 2019-06-25 Permalink
For those that are curious, a friend told me that at around this time, printers had just managed to produce very thin cast iron letters… and they used them as many as they could basically just to show off. Hence the many “cowboy” looking posters from this period.