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  • Kate 20:12 on 2019-07-01 Permalink | Reply  

    La Presse reports on a moving day with perfect weather. Nearly a hundred households were still looking for a new spot as of Sunday night, but the city has swooped in and provided space to more or less park the most desperate folks and their goods until they can find places.

    TVA noticed that bus lane construction cones on Pie-IX made things easier for people moving in or out along that section of the street.

    • Kate 08:01 on 2019-07-01 Permalink | Reply  

      As of Monday, a single STM bus ride is now $3.50, up from $3.25, the monthly pass is $86.50 and fares on surrounding transit systems are also up by equivalent amounts.

      • Ian 08:44 on 2019-07-01 Permalink

        …and with that it’s now actually cheaper for a family of 4 tourists (2 adults, 2 teens with no Montreal school ID) to get a taxi throughout most of central Montreal than it is to take the bus and metro.

      • dwgs 08:55 on 2019-07-01 Permalink

        I sympathize with the thought but $14 won’t get you very far in a taxi these days…

      • Ian Rogers 08:59 on 2019-07-01 Permalink

        It will get you from Mile End to the train station…

      • Chris 11:38 on 2019-07-01 Permalink

        The VIA station? Did that the other day, was $18, excluding tip

      • Faiz Imam 13:40 on 2019-07-01 Permalink

        Yeah, isn’t the taxi fares going up a similar amount in their usual inflation adjustment?

      • Ian 14:49 on 2019-07-01 Permalink

        I made it from Laurier and Jeanne Mance for 12, tipped 2. Granted it was 10 PM on a weekday.

      • ant6n 12:06 on 2019-07-02 Permalink

        Oh shoot, should’ve gotten a bunch of tickets when they were cheaper

    • Kate 07:58 on 2019-07-01 Permalink | Reply  

      It’s probably pretty predictable, but here’s what’s open and closed for Canada Day.

      • Blork 11:46 on 2019-07-01 Permalink

        What’s with the photo of the not-happy kid? FFS, CBC!

      • Marc 14:56 on 2019-07-01 Permalink

        That’s the same face I make when I see people blindly waving flags.

    • Kate 07:57 on 2019-07-01 Permalink | Reply  

      The new bridge will be completely open at 11:00 on Monday morning, Canada Day, as the outbound lanes are opened up. As reader JaneyB pointed out in a comment, it was nicely done to allot half the bridge opening to the Quebec Fête nationale and half to Canada Day.

      Short video from La Presse (beware the noisy ad touting the Alouettes, which was played twice for me before the video) plus a preview of other changes coming around the waterfront.

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