Outremont drivers protest parking fees
The photo to this piece shows the most upper middle class protest I’ve ever set eyes on: Outremontois protesting the borough’s new parking fees.
The photo to this piece shows the most upper middle class protest I’ve ever set eyes on: Outremontois protesting the borough’s new parking fees.
Jerry Ryan 18:57 on 2019-07-04 Permalink
Wow, this looks staged. Could be a scene from a ridiculous comedic Netflix movie starring Jennifer Aniston.
Faiz Imam 19:24 on 2019-07-04 Permalink
Inject that outrage into my VEINS!!
dhomas 06:53 on 2019-07-06 Permalink
“I can afford Chanel, but not parking.”
“My chauffeur can hardly afford to feed his family with what I pay him. He shouldn’t have to waste his meagre salary on parking!”
Ok, I’m done.