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  • Kate 18:33 on 2019-07-08 Permalink | Reply  

    A worker on the road construction site outside the Peck building fell into a narrow trench Monday and was both injured and stuck in place. It took an expert squad from the fire department to winch him out.

    • Kate 18:12 on 2019-07-08 Permalink | Reply  

      La Presse quizzed several parties of tourists about why they chose Montreal.

      • david100 20:05 on 2019-07-08 Permalink

        Hm, surely there were a lot more Canadians and Quebeckers on the Old Port that day than Americans and French, so my suspicious mind can’t help but see in this particular skew and focus on US/EU tourists a purpose.


        (1) Introduction describing increase in visitors from the US;
        (2) A photo of obviously fundamentalist Jews, the article carefully noting they took an airbnb unit in Villeray, with the intimation that airbnb provides the location/size match appropriate for fundy Jews;
        (3) A French family using airbnb with a focus on how cheap they are, traveling around in a car, camping, etc. – the suggestion being that they might not have come not to Montreal had airbnb not been an option;
        (4) A hotel for the Muslim ladies with a couched but straightforward explanation that there’s room enough in the market for both airbnb and hotels; and
        (5) Concluded with a bunch of stats about how great tourism is for Montreal and how small the number of Americans is.

        Is the Presse shilling for airbnb? Maybe not, but this is a classic “manufacturing consent” type story where, in the guise of giving us some information about why people from the US (and France, I guess) visit Montreal, they line a fairly straightforward argument that airbnb enables greater tourism, which increases the wealth of the city and its people.

        Anyway, an article of actual quality would have asked the tourists to name the most surprising things about Montreal or the best meals they had, would have been a lot more interesting.

        And since this was an Old Port walkabout, I bet each would have had an interesting opinion of the Ville Marie trench, a grave blight that for some strange reason seems absolutely normal to Montrealers. If the Presse wants to campaign about something, they should dump airbnb and bang on the government to get that that goddamned trench covered up once and for all. Call it La honte de Montréal, which it is.

      • Ephraim 11:04 on 2019-07-09 Permalink

        All these people came before AirBnB and will come after AirBnB. I deal with tourists everyday.

    • Kate 18:09 on 2019-07-08 Permalink | Reply  

      Two men boarded a small boat Monday morning off Lasalle. The boat capsized, the man wearing a life jacket was rescued by other boaters, but his companion is still missing. Seems the men were trying to retrieve a downed drone.

      • Kate 18:05 on 2019-07-08 Permalink | Reply  

        The court has rejected the English Montreal board’s request for an injunction against the government’s plan to seize two of its schools for another board.

        • Kate 07:55 on 2019-07-08 Permalink | Reply  

          TVA talked to Little Italy tailor Tony Cecchini, who’s still turning out suits at age 78. I recognized the name from a familiar storefront on Bélanger.

          • SMD 15:55 on 2019-07-08 Permalink

            So friendly. I once went in looking to replace a missing button on my coat and he immediately spent five minutes finding the perfect match from his large collection, deftly sewed it on for me right there, and then waved me away with a smile when I tried to pay. A real mensch.

        • Kate 07:29 on 2019-07-08 Permalink | Reply  

          La Presse’s Mario Girard says it’s time the work on Viger Square was completed but it’s not expected to end before spring 2021.

          • Kate 07:25 on 2019-07-08 Permalink | Reply  

            Apparently the city’s happy that the new configuration on the Camillien-Houde is slowing drivers down and CBC finds cyclists and one driver who approve also.

            Speaking of cycling, some SPVM stations are trying out a program offering cyclists caught in a road infraction an hour of traffic school instead of a ticket. Given that cycling tickets now set the rider back $128 it may be an attractive option. However, an expert cited here points out that it probably won’t improve accident numbers, as most traffic problems are caused by motor vehicle drivers, not cyclists or pedestrians.

            • Ian 16:27 on 2019-07-09 Permalink

              While that may be, a person riding the wrong way down the street at night, no hands, texting, with no lights or helmet (as I have seen with my own eyes on several occasions) is at greater risk of being in a serious accident than someone who follows even the most basic rules of biking safety. If they can claim they didn’t know that was not a good idea to wear headphones while biking and and get out of a ticket by doing a brief safety course they also get to keep 128 bucks so it’s win-win.

              Yes, I get it, most serious accidents involve motorized vehicles, but I still teach my kids to look both ways when they cross the street or in front of an alley, to wear helmets when they ride bikes, etc. as it would be stupid not to.

              It’s also worth noting that when Manaugh says”La majorité des accidents sont causés par les automobilistes” that’s a bit of poor logic – by default a motorist will always be held responsible for an accident except under really egregious circumstances as they are licensed vehicle operators and as such have more legal responsibility. Also worth noting a very large number of the fatalities we’ve been reading about over the last few years involve trucks, of which there are far too many in the city, but that’s another issue altogether.

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