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  • Kate 22:19 on 2019-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

    As the Gazette looks back at the Oka Crisis a landowner in that area is handing over a parcel of land to the Mohawks, in return for tax considerations.

    Not directly a Montreal story, but anyone who was living in Montreal that summer felt the Oka Crisis going on, so I’m mentioning it.

    • Raymond Lutz 08:11 on 2019-07-12 Permalink

      Aaah… Those were the days! Hundreds of Montrealers even got their piece of the action throwing rocks at fleeing Kahnawake elders and children ambushed in Lasalle Whisky Trench. Nowadays you have to enroll in police or be part of alt-right movements to have such fun (I know, NACAB).


    • Ian 12:22 on 2019-07-12 Permalink

      Yeah that was awful. At least the Van Doos got disbanded though *small wins*

    • dwgs 09:18 on 2019-07-13 Permalink

      The Van Doos were disbanded? I don’t think so.

    • Michael Black 14:53 on 2019-07-13 Permalink

      Thirty years isn’t very long. I think it just needs a good mob for peoole to feel safe in throwing rocks.

      Of course, it may not be racism, but a reaction to the blocked bridge.
      I’ve said it before, but once the expeditionary force got to.red river in 1870, someone torched the house it my great, great grandmother’s brother. People were beaten, and I think at least one murdered. This wasn’t the expeditionary force, they just didn’t protect everyone.

      Again, it’s not clear if the attackers didn’t like Metis or natives, or if they were just in.the way. Of course, to sime extent, it means the same thing.


  • Kate 22:09 on 2019-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

    One of the old MR-63 train cars has been installed at the Polytechnique and will function as a study space come September.

    • Kate 21:55 on 2019-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

      The rainstorm, which has been vigorous in Montreal, has knocked out power to more than 80,000 users off island.

      • Ian 12:23 on 2019-07-12 Permalink

        My power in Mile End has been out for over an hour so far today… aftermath? They are citing an equipment failure…

    • Kate 19:40 on 2019-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

      La Presse’s notes on weekend driving problems. Likewise from TVA.

      • Kate 17:42 on 2019-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

        Quebec’s population is aging, but Montreal is largely protected because it attracts most of the province’s immigrants.

        • Kate 09:31 on 2019-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

          Justin Trudeau has named Quebec jurist Nicholas Kasirer to the Supreme Court of Canada. A longtime professor of law at McGill, Kasirer will replace Justice Clément Gascon in September. Skimming Twitter I’m only seeing positive comments on this choice except for one person not happy a woman wasn’t picked.

          • Kate 07:58 on 2019-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

            The Gazette reports on various folks living near Fairmount Bagel who will clearly not be satisfied until the bakery closes up and leaves. One says she’s thinking of moving, which strikes me as the correct response.

            People get bees in their bonnet. I walk around a lot in summertime, often taking back alleys, and I was literally a couple of yards from Fairmount the other day before thinking “hmm, is that a bakery I smell?” and realizing I’d walked up the alley beside the bagel place. It was hardly the overwhelming whiff these people are kvetching about.

            • GC 09:26 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              She says it hasn’t improved much since the filter was installed. Assuming she’s correct, has it gotten any WORSE in the ten years she’s been living there? If it’s such an annoyance, why is she still “thinking” about it ten years later?

            • Ephraim 11:17 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              It was there long before she was… and it will be there long after she is gone. But if she succeeds, she will be known for and hated for it, for the rest of her life. She will die and people will put bagels on her grave…. is this really what you want to die on that hill for?

              The city should just start asking them the question, straight out… why don’t you move if you can’t stand the smell? Why do you think it’s easier to live with and complain than to get your damn ass in gear and MOVE!

            • Ian 13:31 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              I moved to Montreal for the Jewish food and fun times, and was not disappointed. I have lived in Mile End most of my life since then 30+ years ago, and have raised 2 children here; both went to the garderie right next to Fairmont Bagel and I still live only a few blocks away. If little miss “I hate smoke” doesn’t like it, she can f off to Laval or wherever.

            • Ian 13:32 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              FAIRMOUNT not Fairmont, we’re not in NDG haha… oh wait… maybe she could move there.

            • Jonathan 14:22 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              I wish all those people living in low income areas bordering the decarie and other highways had the ear of the media more than these anti bagelheads

            • P.O. 14:52 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              Wasn’t the Divan Orange effectively put out of business because a few tenants moved in above them and decided to complain about the noise to the point where the noise fines were too burdensome?

              I hate making exceptions to environmental improvements, but in this case these businesses are Montreal institutions. If you lose them, you end the tradition. Ban new outfits from installing wood burning stoves, but grandfather the existing ones.

            • david100 15:47 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              Michel, Roi du Plateau closed down because they couldn’t afford to do the pricey upgrade. To this day, that’s probably still the most directly impactful and traumatizing loss I’ve sustained as a result of these rules. That place was something else. Divan Orange too was a great loss.

              But if they somehow manage to convince the city to shut down Fairmount, man, that would be something. The city should immediately vote in an exemption for legacy businesses.

            • Kevin 16:22 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              I am perfectly happy to make environmental exceptions to all restaurants.
              The simple fact is that particulate matter coming from ovens is less than 1/20th of the air pollution in the city.
              We are completely wasting our time and energy focussing on restaurants and homes with fireplaces.

            • Alex 16:49 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              I think it is a case of ‘go after the easy targets so people think we are doing something’ look at what happens when we tell people to drive less.

            • Michael Black 17:34 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              Aboutn30 years ago, someine moved to the corner of Jeanne Mace and Laurier, across from the Vachon plant.

              There was q strong smell, but it didn’t bother me.

              It makes me wonder if people react to the smell, beyond whst the smell is. Made be it bothers them n some way, that doesn’t affect others.


            • dwgs 18:28 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              Ian, speaking as a former long time Mile End resident who got chased to NDG by the gentrification I say you can keep her and her ilk. Surprisingly, people are way more chill here than there. Kevin and Alex, you are right on the money. Those people who don’t like the smell of wood smoke should be put in a time machine and forced to live next to the old Paris Star building at Rachel and St. Dominique, now that was disturbing.

            • Ian 23:18 on 2019-07-11 Permalink

              Haha I remember that smell, had a girlfriend that lived next door. Wow. The vachon bakery was the butcher when I lived next to it, smelled like rotten blood in the alley all summer. Now the whole area is super cleaned up and the worst thing you smell is wood smoke? Count your lucky turnips.

          • Kate 07:45 on 2019-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

            Water levels in the river are at an all-time high and TVA talks to some river surfers about it (video).

            • Kate 07:28 on 2019-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

              Gilles Duceppe and his six siblings are suing an east-end seniors’ residence for $1.1 million over the death of their mother, Helene Rowley Hotte Duceppe, who died in January when forgotten outside in the cold after a fire alarm.

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