As the Gazette looks back at the Oka Crisis a landowner in that area is handing over a parcel of land to the Mohawks, in return for tax considerations.
Not directly a Montreal story, but anyone who was living in Montreal that summer felt the Oka Crisis going on, so I’m mentioning it.
Raymond Lutz 08:11 on 2019-07-12 Permalink
Aaah… Those were the days! Hundreds of Montrealers even got their piece of the action throwing rocks at fleeing Kahnawake elders and children ambushed in Lasalle Whisky Trench. Nowadays you have to enroll in police or be part of alt-right movements to have such fun (I know, NACAB).
Ian 12:22 on 2019-07-12 Permalink
Yeah that was awful. At least the Van Doos got disbanded though *small wins*
dwgs 09:18 on 2019-07-13 Permalink
The Van Doos were disbanded? I don’t think so.
Michael Black 14:53 on 2019-07-13 Permalink
Thirty years isn’t very long. I think it just needs a good mob for peoole to feel safe in throwing rocks.
Of course, it may not be racism, but a reaction to the blocked bridge.
I’ve said it before, but once the expeditionary force got river in 1870, someone torched the house it my great, great grandmother’s brother. People were beaten, and I think at least one murdered. This wasn’t the expeditionary force, they just didn’t protect everyone.
Again, it’s not clear if the attackers didn’t like Metis or natives, or if they were just in.the way. Of course, to sime extent, it means the same thing.