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  • Kate 21:08 on 2019-07-14 Permalink | Reply  

    There’s actual camping in tents right by the Old Port beside Silo No. 5.

    • Max 07:57 on 2019-07-15 Permalink

      I’ve checked them out. They’re more like cabins than tents.

    • ProposMontreal 16:41 on 2019-07-15 Permalink

      crap! I’m writting the same freakin’ article right now!

    • Uatu 17:17 on 2019-07-15 Permalink

      I’m glad that there’s security on-site as this is a great place to get mugged…

  • Kate 16:31 on 2019-07-14 Permalink | Reply  

    At some point I was asked to take note of items about the best ice cream shops, by somebody. Here’s Lesley Chesterman’s current list. Video, probably based on this from last year.

    Don’t look at me. I don’t even eat the stuff.

    • Kevin 17:08 on 2019-07-15 Permalink

      My vanilla mint is earning praise this summer. Anyone know a place with pods that won’t break my bank account?

    • dwgs 09:56 on 2019-07-16 Permalink

      Kevin, if you’re ever in the area try Anatol up on St. Laurent in Little Italy. Not sure if it will be cheap but whatever price they charge will be fair, we’ve been going there for decades, the owner is a decent man.

    • SMD 10:15 on 2019-07-16 Permalink

      +1 on Anatol. And they just moved down a couple of storefronts to a slightly larger space.

    • dwgs 10:29 on 2019-07-16 Permalink

      They even have a website now. Jimmy must have passed the reins on to the next generation 🙂 https://www.epicesanatol.com/en/

    • Michael Black 11:24 on 2019-07-16 Permalink

      One of the Gazette’s new triumvirate of food writers wrote about some new ice cream places on June 29.


      Ripples has a second store now, at Jeanne Mance and St. Viateur, according to the article.


    • Michael Black 13:48 on 2019-07-16 Permalink

      I should add that I’ve never tried Wild Willy’s in Pointe Claire, but I have passed by on summer weekend afternoons, and the lineups are big. There had been a used bookstore aross the street, but it c!osed a year or two ago.

      I remember when Elmhurst Dairy in Montreal West was there, and sold ice cream scoops. Big scoops for not much money, I recall. Lines were big there, I liked the orange ice cream, but I think that’s where I first tried it, having only orange sherbet before that.

      I’d thought of getting an ice cream maker last summer, but that’s on ho!d until I’m in better shape.


    • Meezly 11:15 on 2019-07-17 Permalink

      The Kem Coba photo of that double scoop cone is a bit misleading – maybe it’s the angle or something, but their scoops are never that generously sized!

  • Kate 10:31 on 2019-07-14 Permalink | Reply  

    I’m not going to devote a lot of space to the upcoming federal election, but for now I’ve made a list of Montreal ridings and their current MPs with a few notes about those not planning to run again. Media news on the election will build after the rentrée, so I’ll make a list of candidates later when more names are known.

    Obviously, if I’ve made any errors or have left anything out, please let me know.

    • Kate 08:27 on 2019-07-14 Permalink | Reply  

      There was mild excitement when it was announced that Real Madrid was going to practise here before embarking on a tournament in the U.S., but it turns out manager Zinédine Zidane has had to leave because his brother has died. The public practice will go ahead anyway on Wednesday under the assistant coach, but I bet some people would’ve gone just to see Zidane at work.

      Update: Zidane is back in town Tuesday so will presumably be on show as his side practises Wednesday night.

      • Kate 08:08 on 2019-07-14 Permalink | Reply  

        The Gazette’s Jesse Feith tells a story of a man whose identity was stolen and who ended up entangled in a legal mess that wasn’t his fault.

        • Kate 07:58 on 2019-07-14 Permalink | Reply  

          The collapsing gray stone building on Esplanade near Mont-Royal is to be taken apart piece by piece and then reconstructed. How owner Guy Desrosiers can afford to do this, when he seemingly couldn’t act to keep the existing building from deteriorating for twenty years, is not explained.

          • Leloup 08:46 on 2019-07-14 Permalink

            Probably a better return on his investment once it’s rebuilt.

          • Kate 10:02 on 2019-07-14 Permalink

            True, but you’ve got to get some money up front to contract for a job like that. It’s not just tacking siding onto a barn.

          • walkerp 11:04 on 2019-07-15 Permalink

            Still so many questions!? What is the deal with M. Desrosiers? Any info from neighbours?

        • Kate 07:43 on 2019-07-14 Permalink | Reply  

          There were 25 arrests following a climate protest Saturday.

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