Group attempts to eradicate ragweed
CBC reports cheerfully on a group of people trying to eradicate ragweed from part of town. Media! They can be reporting concerns about butterflies or bees in one section of a site, while noting with oblivious insouciance in another that human beings are crashing around in an ecology making edits likely to be damaging, yet not put two and two together.
At the same time, Le Devoir notes that Rosemont borough will be allowing wild plants to grow in more places next summer, rather than mowing the grass to create suburban-style lawns. Will people come along and try to edit the plant life then too?
qatzelok 08:39 on 2019-07-15 Permalink
I’m happy to hear that Rosemont will be adding more wild plants. I bike to the countryside whenever I can, and southern Quebec’s local wild plants are more beautiful than any lawns I’ve seen outside of Versailles. And maybe even nicer than Versailles.
Chris 13:33 on 2019-07-15 Permalink
Lets organize a ragweed planting event in the same locations! 😉
Kevin 17:06 on 2019-07-15 Permalink
The previous owner of my home deliberately planted ragweed, earning him the wrath of many neighbours.
There are many other plants that will attract bugs but planting ragweed is up there with pedophilia and not maintaining your nuclear reactor in terms of public acceptance.
Chris 06:29 on 2019-07-16 Permalink
“up there with pedophilia”?! yikes.
Alex 08:50 on 2019-07-16 Permalink
An aside: I have noticed a few patches of Japanese Knotweed around the Plateau, where I am from we usually have to notify the city, is that a thing we should do in Montreal?
Kate 09:26 on 2019-07-16 Permalink
Alex, this is the only page I find on the city website for Renouée du Japon and it says nothing about reporting it. Can’t hurt to call 311 and ask, though.
Jonathan 09:26 on 2019-07-16 Permalink
As someone who suffers terribly terribly terribly from ragweed, I would really love for us to find another late and heavy pollen producing plant that causes less harm to the quality of life.
It’s not like gluten sensitivity, where people can choose whether or not they consume the allergen (by only eating at home, or only eating at GF establishments)… there really is no escape except moving away from temperate climate zones.