If you’re hearing ebullient honking in various parts of town, it’s because Algeria just beat Senegal to win the Africa Cup.
Updates from July, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
TVA rejoices here in the headline, saying Outremont has to consult the public on its new parking regulations because of a petition.
People really will fight to the death for parking more than almost anything else.
Soon we will have a REM station at the airport, still at a distance from the trains and buses at Dorval Circle. The feds will be considering how to link them together.
Neuroscientist Brenda Milner turned 101 this week and there was a party at the Neuro. She’s still doing some research there.
Benoit Dorais has apologized for speeding on Facebook, and now maybe this non-silly silly season story will be allowed to fizzle out.
Tim S.
He apologized. He did not promise to stop driving. Reckless driving is a serious problem in Quebec, and he is part of it. If anything, this story is a great reminder of how lax our laws are that you can get 7 tickets and still be allowed to keep your license.
Nine speeding tickets since 1995, Tim S., and we don’t demand perfect driving records from politicians.
You know I’m not fanatically pro-car, but this story has mostly been a stick for Ensemble (and lonely Marvin Rotrand) to beat Projet with. It’s not relevant to Dorais’ record as a borough mayor in the least.
John B
Demerit points from speeding and stuff are removed from a driver’s license after 2 years. So the way the law is written, so long as someone over 25 years old has not received more than 15 demerit points in the previous two years they have the right to drive.
Anyone who feels this should be different should discuss it with their MNA
Tim S.
I disagree, Kate. Quebec has a culture of tolerating bad driving, and it won’t change if people keep waving away cases like this. It’s unfortunate that it’s a Project mayor and first reported by Peladeau’s gang, but that doesn’t excuse the behaviour. And 7 tickets in 20ish years is significant – you’d assume a responsible person might change their behaviour after, say, three.
John B. I once asked a related question at a candidates debate. They were all profoundly disinterested. That’s why it’s important to express social disapproval of dangerous driving as well as working for legal change.
Or we could accept that grown men will routinely choose to put others lives’ at risk, and decide that we’re fine with it.Ian
In Ontario 50 over the limit is considered stunt driving, same charge as drag racing, and comes with automatic license suspension. Yeah yeah I know this isn’t Ontario… butvwe should do that here too.
I still think it’s an error of judgement, but not an ethical issue. We’ll have to agree to differ.
The Régie du logement is seeing a growing number of evictions challenged in Montreal, as the pool of rental properties dries up.
Some condo residents on Nuns’ Island are unhappy about golf course floodlights at Golf Exécutif Montréal. This is the golf course reported last year for an interesting modern instance of enclosure: supposedly a public course on public land, it’s now an “executive” course costing a minimum $5,000 a year.
NDG-CDN borough is planning new bike paths. The Gazette extensively quotes Marvin Rotrand’s get-off-my-lawn sputtering: “These bike paths are being created much more for ideological reasons, rather than for pragmatic reasons. We have an administration that thinks owning a car is anti-social and they have to be punished, and that cyclists are superior human beings.”
Meantime, the borough messed up painting a bike path on Grand Boulevard.
Lots of people who use Isabella will not be happy with this proposal to make Isabella a feeder street to Decarie.
It’s a vicious circle, If you don’t have the instrastructure, people will not use their bikes and if people don’t bike, the authorities will not build the infrastructure. Rotrand doesn’t seem to understand that.
Isabella already is a feeder street to Decarie. This just makes it more explicit.
“Rotrand said he is particularly concerned about the plan for Isabella Ave., saying the borough is considering making that street one-way for eastbound traffic only from Macdonald Ave. to Décarie, and then one-way for westbound traffic on the other side of Décarie.”
Rotrand is right, that area is already a cluster bomb because the city doesn’t bother adding an extra 20 seconds to the lights running perpendicular to Decarie.
Making Isabella 1 way around there would just add to the congestion, I’m convinced that Projet lives in another city with these in the fly ideas.
There was a brief period where Decarie was a 4 minute light and Isabella was a 25 second light. That was fun.
YUL514, not necessarily; oftentimes reducing a (road) network capacity reduces congestion. Read about Cheonggyecheon.
The Gazette article talks about a bike path on Jean-Brillant between Decelles and Edouard-Montpetit. Shouldn’t it be Decelles between J-B and E-M? Just the other day there was a story about making Jean-Brillant a pedestrian street because of all the foot traffic from UdeM.
Plenty of people head west on Isabella and go to Hampstead or upper NDG.Lots of people use Isabella to cross Decarie especially the employees going to and from the hospitals.
And while they may bike in the summer they’re not going to do that in the rain or in the snow.
They’ll get jobs elsewhere if we make it too difficult for them to commute.
I know the area. I think the change is a bad idea for various reasons, but also, because of the way the Decarie is set up, Isabella is the street to take from the west if you want to end up going north on Decarie, and having just one lane means it’s backed up all the time. (Queen Mary is very backed up across Decarie now too — this will be exacerbated if Isabella changes.) So making it one way will make explicit what is already the case. (One car-based solution would be extending Cavendish.)
But I seriously doubt people are going to quit their jobs at the hospital en masse.
A Park Ex tenants’ group is concerned at the delays in building social housing in Park Extension, as the area hastily gentrifies to match the new university campus on its southern edge. I’m pleased to see the Le Devoir writer questioning the weasel word “affordable”.
A lot of work is planned for the Turcot during the construction holiday, over the next two weeks.
Marc 09:41 on 2019-07-20 Permalink
You almost saved me some Googling – I guess that’s a soccer thing?
Kate 10:13 on 2019-07-20 Permalink
It ain’t ice hockey.
Faiz Imam 13:23 on 2019-07-20 Permalink
Here’s a couple of tweets showing the ambiance in the city. Wish I was there.