Fire near L-G unhouses nine households
A particularly ferocious fire broke out in a street near Lionel-Groulx metro early Sunday and has thrown nine households into the street.
A particularly ferocious fire broke out in a street near Lionel-Groulx metro early Sunday and has thrown nine households into the street.
jeather 14:30 on 2019-08-04 Permalink
I live on that block, but not in one of the affected buildings. I woke up in the middle of the night when the power was cut and I heard some sirens but I fell back asleep, which is great, I would not have been able to sleep had I known what was happening. The buildings are completely torched, the area was closed a few hours ago — I had to leave to breathe. My cats are pretty freaked.
Kate 07:42 on 2019-08-05 Permalink
I’m glad to know you’re OK, heather.
MarcG 08:54 on 2019-08-05 Permalink
It’s terrifying that we can wake up to sirens, smoke, and no power and then just go back to sleep – I thought your “which is great” was sarcasm!
jeather 19:58 on 2019-08-05 Permalink
I think I am just far enough away that the smoke that night didn’t bother me — I smell it now, but I didn’t smell anything that night. The sirens stopped once the fire trucks all arrived, and it’s not uncommon for me to hear sirens go by. And of course a brief power cut can be meaningless. And I am in the wrong location to be able to see the flames.
But really fires freak me out, so I’m glad I didn’t know until I woke up and the fires were all out. Still absolutely reeks, even when you’re on St-Antoine.