Probation, conditions for harasser
The man known to have harassed Sue Montgomery for two decades was sentenced to three years’ probation on Monday as well as a long list of conditions.
The man known to have harassed Sue Montgomery for two decades was sentenced to three years’ probation on Monday as well as a long list of conditions.
Ephraim 19:59 on 2019-08-05 Permalink
This doesn’t really go any further than what was supposed to be in place… you aren’t allowed to talk about the person in public or private once you have an injunction for harassment… it’s called direct and indirect harassment for a reason. Frankly, I’m sorry that she didn’t get more from the judge… and my guess is… this won’t stop him. He’s going to find a way to play and continue until a judge really throws the book at him and puts him in jail.
Kate 20:13 on 2019-08-05 Permalink
The judge probably expects the guy to break the conditions over some technicality. I can only hope Montgomery remains safe from any escalation.
ant6n 23:40 on 2019-08-05 Permalink
Wouldn’t the guy go to prison pretty quick if he violated any of the probation conditions? Seems like a bit more serious than a restraining order.
Kate 12:29 on 2019-08-06 Permalink
Yes, I’m pretty sure he would, but not for how long.