More Tanneries remnants found near Turcot
More remnants of the tannery villages have been found near the Turcot and one historian wants to leave them as they are. I don’t know how realistic this is: this strikes me as a situation where, after studying and measuring what’s been found, a 3D re-creation somewhere else might be more informative.
John B 09:06 on 2019-08-13 Permalink
“on St-Rémi Street north of St-Jacques Street” ? Doesn’t St-Rémi end at St-Jacques?
Kate 12:22 on 2019-08-13 Permalink
I looked at the map. It’s sort of a gray area there. I think they must mean the spot where St-Rémi comes up toward St-Jacques but kind of gets lost around the Turcot and sort of curves around and turns into Cazelais.
John B 14:35 on 2019-08-13 Permalink
I think the current state of things in in flux, but St-Rémi has, at least for the time I’ve been in Montreal, ended at St-Jacques, and I think it’s planned to be like that when the construction is done too.
Max 09:42 on 2019-08-14 Permalink
Yeah, St. Remi, St. Jacques and Pullman will all meet in the same spot they used to.
Except Pullman will be a major artery, crossing the interchange along the bottom of the escarpment, and going over the tracks and the 20 to meet with Notre Dame West. The big overpass going up just west of the interchange is for the new Pullman.
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