Rosemont–PP will cut bike chains off trees
Rosemont–PP is passing a bylaw allowing it to cut bicycle chains and locks attached to trees. Anything that damages tree bark can give pests a way to get inside, and locks are especially damaging to younger trees.
mare 20:46 on 2019-08-13 Permalink
Also, stealing a bike is easy when you just have to saw the tree. Believe me, it happens, the last one I’ve seen was on Prince Arthur in front of the shoe shop that’s closed now. Tree of about 15 cm diameter, what a waste.
Max 21:57 on 2019-08-13 Permalink
I watched a guy in St. Henry unbolt a parking sign off a post just to lift a bike off it once. I thought of calling the cops. Then I came to my senses and thought “what’s the point”?
Two parallel locks, people. It’s the only reasonable way to roll if you care about your ride.
Chris 22:50 on 2019-08-13 Permalink
In exchange, they are also legalizing attaching to stop signs and the like, so it’s carrot and stick. Hopefully they’ll add more legit parking spaces, I don’t think trees are any cyclist’s preferred choice.