TVA tells this story with the headline Le REM ne sera pas recouvert à Mont-Royal while the CBC sees a glass half full with the headline TMR gets a park to cover part of the REM line.
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Le Groupe Capitales Médias, which owns some of Quebec’s dwindling stock of daily papers, is getting a $5M handout from the province to tide it over to the end of this year as it seeks bankruptcy protection. Among others, Quebec’s Le Soleil, which dates from 1896, and Ottawa’s Le Droit, 1913, are threatened. Quebecor is interested in the properties, but everyone knows this would concentrate almost all of Quebec’s media in one set of hands.
Mayor Plante held a presser Monday announcing consultations to come on solving the blight of empty storefronts on our commercial streets.
The 311 service is in disarray, according to the Journal de Montréal, particularly since parts of it were brought back to the central city from the boroughs last year.
Update: The Journal went on to say that the centralization of the 311 service will continue, while La Presse reports that the city is hiring more people to answer the phones.
After last week’s unhappy news about Cabot Square, there’s a better storyline about mobile clinics bringing healthcare services to denizens of the area.
It’s not really news that it’s been a bad summer for traffic: the news items, blocked streets, orange cones and detouring buses make even non‑drivers aware of the situation. The Journal, however, needs somebody to blame, so is pinning it on city hall’s lack of coordination, while telling the tale of the excavations on St‑Urbain, a project being done by Hydro-Quebec, not by city contractors.
I was walking with my kid in NDG, she has just moved there. I realized I used to walk these same streets 30 years ago, but there was one thing that had changed dramatically: the density of car traffic.
It was crazy.
There are twice as many cars using the same layout and transit grid.
There are 100% more cars using the same infrastructure as 30 years ago.
Our city cannot support this exponential growth.
By most models it will double again in 10-15 years.
So when we think about traffic let’s start here first.
A young woman was injured Sunday when a vehicle rammed into a bus shelter in Lasalle after a chain reaction of collisions.
Just as the REM was wished on Montreal without any proper studies, nobody knows what the effect of its operations will have on the metro, but it isn’t likely to relieve orange line overcrowding at rush hours.
ant6n 22:45 on 2019-08-20 Permalink
They gonna cover 40m of track. I mean good for them, but lul.
david100 01:37 on 2019-08-22 Permalink
I approve of anything that displeases the dwellers of TMR.