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  • Kate 20:47 on 2019-08-21 Permalink | Reply  

    The Boston Globe has a pretty decent visit to Petite-Patrie item this week.

    • Kate 20:41 on 2019-08-21 Permalink | Reply  

      Smoke detected at Berri-UQÀM shut down three metro lines Wednesday midafternoon, but not for very long.

      • Kate 20:32 on 2019-08-21 Permalink | Reply  

        After a lacklustre string of losses, the Impact has fired its head coach.

        • Faiz Imam 04:10 on 2019-08-22 Permalink

          Fun fact I saw today. The Habs, alouettes and impact have, since 2010, combined for 20 coaches over 26 seasons.

          Very short leaches, all of them.

          Wonder what happened here, impact were playing great to start the year, but over the summer it’s all fallen apart.

      • Kate 20:31 on 2019-08-21 Permalink | Reply  

        Whatever’s gone wrong with the management of the markets is slowly coming out. Some kind of fraudulent activity was uncovered by the city comptroller, specifically at Jean-Talon.

        • Jack 21:11 on 2019-08-21 Permalink

          “In 2012, the report found 16 members were resellers, but it could not determine how many were resellers last year.” It is the same now.

        • Baru 14:44 on 2019-08-22 Permalink

          wow… what a story.

          this kind of dysfunction and corruption seems to be the norm these days in just about every institution that matters to daily life..

      • Kate 20:29 on 2019-08-21 Permalink | Reply  

        Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday a $50‑million package to help create the Grand parc de l’ouest.

        • david100 01:23 on 2019-08-22 Permalink

          I really wish that Trudeau had rained a lot more money on Montreal before he was booted out. He could have ordered the money up for the Pink line, got the province to pass a law to waive the environmental process and shield it from lawsuits, and the project could be well underway by now, with rolling stock orders already signed. A great legacy for a mediocre man. Instead, he’s shoring up the West Island with a park.

        • Kate 09:12 on 2019-08-22 Permalink

          You confidently expect Trudeau to be booted out?

        • Chris 09:33 on 2019-08-22 Permalink

          david100, perhaps you are projecting? “He could have” done many things, but perhaps he has not done so because he does not believe in those things.

      • Kate 07:53 on 2019-08-21 Permalink | Reply  

        A couple of weeks ago La Presse had an essay on eco-gentrification, when efforts to make an urban area greener and generally pleasanter are followed by a wave of higher rents and wealthier residents. Now an urban studies scholar says we shouldn’t think of better environmental management as necessarily entwined with gentrification.

        • david100 01:29 on 2019-08-22 Permalink

          Again, it’s pretty hard to disaggregate this phenomenon from (1) the increase in demand because of massive immigration and vastly different tastes in housing preferences among younger people and (2) the fact that housing scarcity created by the artificial land shortage (ie. ultra lowrise zoning) necessarily means that people who can afford to will live close to the best amenities, shortest commutes, etc. And those people will improve their new neighborhoods, and that will draw more people like them.

          The idea that improving a neighborhood necessarily makes it yuppie haven’t been out to the Pointe de L’ile or Sainte Anne’s, which – with nice new renovations aren’t exactly pulling people in or making waves with the perverse anti-growth alliance between conservatives and anti-capitalists.

      • Kate 07:39 on 2019-08-21 Permalink | Reply  

        One of the authors of that report on the economic health of Montreal (PDF) says the main reason Montreal is outperforming the rest of the province is immigration. “Immigration remains a generator of economic growth” according to Jean-Guy Côté.

        But that would be why the CAQ is at pains to damp it down. Can’t have the regions feeling bitter or envious of the big city.

        • Kate 07:32 on 2019-08-21 Permalink | Reply  

          It took 100 firefighters to put out an apartment building fire in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve early Wednesday. Only one was slightly injured. The fire is said to have started on a rooftop patio. I’d put five bucks on it being a cigarette in a flowerpot again.

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