Wastewater tests reveal drug use
Tests of city wastewater show that Montreal and Halifax are using more cannabis and less methamphetamine than other Canadian cities, and a good thing too.
Authorities are all of a tizz about the coming federal approval of cannabis edibles, drinkables and topicals, all of which the CAQ intends to ban like the stern father it is.
Michael Black 16:57 on 2019-08-27 Permalink
I’m still trying to figure out if some of the nitpicking about the legalization is simply because it was illegal before, but is now legal. The Quebec government is fussing because they don’t want underage people getting access, but it seems like more than that.
I’ve never tried it, but could have started when I was 12, and now that it’s legal I can’t try growing it or buy premade edibles. I don’t intend to start smoking now, so when I finally get around to it, I’ll have to make my own brownies, suddenly they will be “special”, though all brownies are special.
International Overdose Awareness Day is August 31, and today and tomorrow the Okanagans are having a caravan between reserves to highlight the issue. They say that natives are five times more likely to experience an overdose than non-natives. This is the opioid crisis. They rarely send out email since they stopped doing a newsletter, but they sent out email today, it’s important.
Kate 21:00 on 2019-08-27 Permalink
Michael, people seem to be mostly concerned about the chi-i-i-ildren.
I had to sign a paper at the pharmacy so I could get my one little regular Rx in a non-childproof tube. Maybe they should do something similar at the SQDC – have you sign a paper attesting that you don’t share your living quarters with children, and then they will sell you the CBD jelly babies or whatever.
ant6n 00:57 on 2019-08-28 Permalink
I bet many parents would prefer their neighbors eat cannabis rather than smoke it.