Updates from September, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 19:59 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

    An area near Trudeau airport prized by bird watchers is to be turned into a nature park. The land belongs to the airport and thus is under federal control.

    • Kate 19:58 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

      A man crashed his vehicle into a lamp post early Monday near Lachapelle Bridge on the back river, was found unconscious and died after being brought to hospital.

      • Kate 19:49 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

        An older man was stabbed in Villeray on Monday morning. TVA says the victim was in his 80s and the alleged attacker was 70, and it was a dispute between neighbours.

        • Kate 19:11 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

          Extinction Rebellion will be staging Extinction demonstration swarms this month, building to the climate strike on September 27.

          • Kate 09:56 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

            Possibly useful list of what’s open and closed on Labour Day.

            • Ian 16:38 on 2019-09-03 Permalink

              I was actually surprised how many grocery stores were open – does anyone know what the legal size limit is? For instance the P.A. on Parc was closed but the Supermarché Mile-End which has pretty close to the same footage was open…

            • Michael Black 17:25 on 2019-09-03 Permalink

              Remember the rule about 4 employees after 5pm on Saturdays? It caused lots of trouble, so they changed it, maybe a decade ago. The requirement was dropped, but the new rule made I think four days mandatory, Christmas, Easter, Labor Day, and I guess St. Jean.

              PA at Fort has consistently closed on those days from the start. I don’t recall reading anything about size of store, so either PA just keeps those holidays, or they are big enough.

              The Gazette for some years got it wrong, I think about Labor Day, for at least four years I’d write to point out that they must be usingban old template for the “what’s closed” article. Finally they fixed it, but I later caught it on a different holiday. I think they hedge a bit, sayung “some would close” when it’s all grocery stores, though I don’t know what qualifies as a “convenience store”. Maybe having a chain counts.

              At least PA does a good job of announcing holidays.


            • Ian 07:44 on 2019-09-04 Permalink

              Bioterre and Latina were also open, I don’t think the distinction is between grocery stores and convenience stores, both are much bigger than deps…
              I guess my question here is in the phrase “Établissements d’alimentation de grande surface” what counts as “grande surface”.

            • mare 13:13 on 2019-09-04 Permalink

              Friends of mine who just signed a lease and needed cleaning supplies to clean their new apartment Googled if Walmart was open. Google said “Open” so they dragged themselves to Namur and on the door was a handwritten note: “contrairement l’information sur Google, nous sommes pas ouvert.”

          • Kate 09:45 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

            The road calming measures on the Camillien-Houde will be partly removed Tuesday, taking away the traffic light section at the top, but leaving some of the other items till the end of October.

            While I understand the Projet intention to make that road safer, the unfortunate result has been confusion. Which isn’t to say I know what should be done, short of borrowing a time machine, going back to 1957, and stopping the city from building a road across the mountain and so giving generations of drivers the idea that it’s their right to do so.

            • Ian 18:02 on 2019-09-02 Permalink

              Just offhand I’d venture that even those few ideas suggested on this very blog such as turnpikes, stops signs, and enforcing speed limits would have succeeded much better than either approach we have seen over the last 2 summers.

            • ant6n 18:37 on 2019-09-02 Permalink

              I feel it’s time to plug my Mount Royal ski hill idea again:


            • Ephraim 19:46 on 2019-09-02 Permalink

              A sidewalk, a protected bike path and a row narrowing with a partial turn, would do the job. And single lane with a non-dividing median. People would have no choice but to slow for a narrowed (one lane) partial turn, you couldn’t do it at high speeds. Even a 90 degree turn would be very effective, since you can’t do it without slowing significantly.

          • Kate 09:33 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

            Several massive Habitat 67 style buildings have been constructed in Asia. The photos are more than a little sci-fi.

            • Kate 09:32 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

              (It’s all going to be feature stories on a stat holiday like this.)

              CTV tells about a firm in Dorval which contracts with the government to provide hotshot fighter pilots who take fighter jets up to give Canadian Armed Forces pilots fight practice in the air.

              • Kate 01:26 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

                Police, firefighters and even an Armed Forces helicopter were pressed into service to find a man who’d fallen into the river from a boat, Sunday afternoon. They found a body, but it wasn’t the man they were looking for.

                • Kate 01:24 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

                  A major triplex fire broke out in Verdun on Sunday afternoon, eventually needing 100 firefighters to put it out. Eventually three buildings were damaged, but nobody got hurt.

                  • Kate 01:17 on 2019-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

                    Taxi drivers held a protest at the casino Sunday evening, their second this week against the impending Bill 17 which will deregulate their trade. As a sidebar, TVA interviews one man who’s given up driving taxis and has gone into the used car business with a partner, but he points out that not all drivers are in a position to restart their lives when their old trade is lost.

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