There is still snow in the St-Michel quarry
There’s still a 20-meter hill of snow in the St-Michel quarry, used as a snow dump. It’s dark gray now.
Also mentions that the city’s going to use drones to oversee its snow dumps and figure out where the snow trucks ought to be directed as the winter progresses.
(Been noticing for some time, by the way, that Metro is doing a good job of finding city stories nobody else does. I hope they can go on doing it.)
mare 15:15 on 2019-09-06 Permalink
In the Saint-Michel quarry there also used to be an enormous mountain of compost with lots of plastic in it. Only on close inspection I found out it was not compost, but a mountain of used sandbags, some still intact, others with shredded plastic.
I guess when the water level went down the city collected them.
A few weeks ago they acquired a new machine (it was parked outside and the paint was still shiny ) to separate the plastic from the sand and now there are two mountains of clean sand, and the plastic bags are hopefully recycled.
mare 15:18 on 2019-09-06 Permalink
That’s in the complexe environmental Saint Michel, not in the quarry where they dump the snow.
Chris 18:10 on 2019-09-06 Permalink
That “clean” sand is probably still full of microplastic particles.
Kate 19:57 on 2019-09-06 Permalink
So are we all, Chris.