Unusual at any time, Notre-Dame Hospital is said to be short of patients for some of its diagnostic services.
Updates from September, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
A banner in Projet colours and using their logo (although not their font) was slung over the Papineau overpass Tuesday, blaming the party for traffic congestion on the street. Metro quotes the Ensemble candidate in the Plateau mayoral campaign saying it’s a sign of the disaffection of citizens faced with traffic congestion.
Omigod the whining.
We’ve spent *decades* adding capacity to our road network. Has it solved congestion? No. Of course not. When you add capacity to a network, it gets used.
Is that Comic Sans??
No, but it’s something in the same vein.
The congestion probably isnt helped by the work taking place on the corner of Rachel/Papineau which adds a bottleneck to the whole street. Hopefully things will become easier for the poor motorists when that stops
Est Media Montreal notes that lg2 will be moving into a glitzy new building in Technopole Angus. Item calls them an “agence de création” but in the old days they would’ve been called an ad agency.
Est Media itself seems to be the creation of a marketing firm. I’m a little sad to see that the latest post on Rue Masson, which I thought had some promise as a local media platform, was in June, and Est Montreal is picking up Rosemont ads now. Finding ways to pay for the smaller media outlets is a conundrum of our time.
The writ will be dropped Wednesday morning for the October 21 federal election.
As I noted yesterday, I’ll be doing some bits about the federal contests in Montreal on this page, but it won’t be possible to comment.
There are already signs in Verdun for the PLC. They couldn’t wait until tomorrow!
Signs are allowed to go up before the writ is dropped but not before the day of. That is to say anything posted today is fine.
Anyone else had a lot of phone spam robocalls this week? I had three yesterday – one Canada Revenue Agency call, one call about a UPS package, and something claiming to be from Guinea‑Bissau, which I declined. Just now I had another robocall telling me my social insurance number was suspended.
What… no call from Windows Support? The CRA ones are fun, you talk in French, they hang up or say they aren’t authorized to talk in French.
I got the UPS one followed by mandarin.
Another social insurance number call just now. Both of those have been nominally from Kitchener, Ontario.
I had a real phone call from Elections Canada in the middle of all these, asking if I wanted to work on the October election. I was surprised to find a live human being at the end of the line instead of a robot voice! But I’m busy enough these days that I turned them down.
An artist has made a mural painting of Ariel Kouakou, the north-end boy who went missing a year and a half ago. You have to watch the embedded video to see the work, which seems to be on the back of a house facing an alley. Ariel’s father says there haven’t been any new leads in his disappearance.
That poor kid, he probably ended up in the river and got swept away.
Hopefully, he’ll be found and the parents can finally know.
There’s basically no news in this CTV squib about CAQ anglo minder Christopher Skeete. Meanwhile, not only a “bonjour-hi” but a “suivant-next” at a SAQ on Ste-Catherine provoked an anonymous complaint.
The Journal finds that locally operated bike and scooter systems are a better deal, as well as Communauto car-sharing.
Residents of Centre-Sud plan a protest this Friday against the dangers posed by busy Frontenac and d’Iberville Streets to pedestrians and cyclists.
The English Montreal School Board is going to court on two counts: to try to stop the CAQ from abolishing school boards, and to block the removal of its schools.
Can somebody tell me why the EMSB is worth defending?
As teachers we go into classrooms and make it clear that all forms of discrimination and racism have no place in our communities and schools. The EMSB will now discriminate on that very basis.
An experts History report paid for by the EMSB releases its findings and says the new provincial history programme should not be taught to members of the minority community in Quebec. It also says the textbooks are so flawed and biased they have no place in schools. The EMSB did nothing.
The Vice Chair of the EMSB tries to get her brother in law (a bank teller) a senior administration position at the EMSB .
The current Director General, chauffeurs Angela Mancini the current Chairperson around during her election campaign, she jumps from being a school principal in another board to the most senior position at the Board. In admin. jargon she jumped from a level 9 post to a 17.
She is now fighting with her mentor and said she called her names.
If you ever saw a School Commissioners meeting the pettiness and small mindedness is frankly unbelievable. I once lasted 12 minutes trying to watch a web-feed of a meeting and almost showed it to my students as a how not to behave lesson in ERC.
I could go on but won’t. Do I trust CAQ hell no, but if a structure where parents of kids in schools would have some real power, then it has to better than this carnival of the absurd.
Currently UPAC is investigating the EMSB for fraud.Kate
Jack, I’m not sure that the corruption of the existing EMSB means the CAQ is right in wanting to dump school boards, nor that the anglo community should calmly close its school boards, hand over its schools and turn out the lights. However, I don’t know how to fix the problems you describe.
My fear about the CAQ thing is they’ll create a thing that’s just like a school board, employing the same people (don’t tell me they’re going to sack the 700 people who operate the CSDM!), but that in the shift they’ll be able to end the existing anglo boards and not replace them. That would play well in the regions, mind you.
The EMSB certainly isn’t their own best defender… neither is the CSDM. The two should have been headed for receivership a long while ago…. the money isn’t going where it is supposed to go, they aren’t maintaining their buildings, they aren’t hiring the most qualified people, etc.
While there may be some problems at the EMSB, I’d hate to throw out the baby with the bathwater. As a parent of a kid with autism, the idea of getting rid of school boards is frightening. The school boards provide a network of specialists who make sure kids have the right support network around them. We’ve had to move our child from one school to another, and having the knowledge in place for what works for him, what his needs are, where he would fit in, was crucial in making sure he could function – they provide continuity and more expertise than any one school could possess alone. There are some school boards where I’ve heard that the support network isn’t as good, but the EMSB is great in this regard. So if there are problems at the EMSB, by all means work to fix them, but don’t go trashing the whole thing because of a few issues.Ephraim
Personally, I would amalgamate the two English boards (EMSB and Lester B) in Montreal, maybe even all four of them (Sir Wilfred Laurier and Eastern Townships), but clear out the EMSB people, they have proven themselves unworthy of running it… management has got to go. And I would move Vocational into it’s own school board, one for each Language, with a clear delineation that money for one region cannot be transfered to another region. The same is true of the French school boards in Montreal (CSDM, Margeritte-Bourgeouys, CSL, Marie-Victoren, des Patriots). We can certainly cut down on the number of boards. Oh and the school cannot cannot buy anything over $200 without a fully functional governing board. Salaries should be paid, but a $200 limit on individual purchased until they get the required governing board… so they can’t play the game of not having one.
One of the worst parts of the system is this habit of moving money from level to level and from department to department. If the government things that you need $20K to run a program, you don’t siphon $10K for kindergarten for it…. That $20K should be spent for that program. And if need be, the government might need to earmark money…. You have 5% that must be spent on maintenance and if you don’t, you can’t move the money to this, you have to deposit it with the CDPQ for future maintenance. If you can’t run your budget properly… we are going to have to treat you like damn children.
Thanks for your inputs and comments. In an ideal world I would love to have school boards who are engaged and trustworthy. I am willing to see what the Union Nationale has in mind before I support the structure we have.
Two cars were torched in St-Laurent overnight, echoing a similar incident last year on the same short street.
Based on the TVA photos the house appears to be at 620 Stewart Square. The web page for the city’s records of the property tax rolls is down at the moment so the identity of the owner remains shrouded in secrecy for the time being…
walkerp 09:40 on 2019-09-11 Permalink
I had extremely short wait for blood tests there last week, so take advantage!
JoeNotCharles 20:23 on 2019-09-11 Permalink
Somehow I read this headline as “Notre-Dame Hospital is short of pants” and thought this would be about a clothing drive.
Kate 21:31 on 2019-09-11 Permalink
JoeNotCharles: it’s Chez Doris that’s short of pants.