Anglo boards may be spared: CAQ
It’s not a firm promise yet – Global puts a question mark on its headline on this story – but the CAQ may spare the anglophone side when it does whatever it’s going to do to school boards. I seem to recall the CAQ originally said they were planning to abolish them, but now the word being used is “reform”, which could mean anything.
Jack 11:59 on 2019-09-12 Permalink
At least now we know why “our ” school boards survived.
«Ils trouvent qu’ils les ont pas mal brassés avec la loi sur la laïcité qui n’est pas appuyée beaucoup du côté anglophone et donc le gouvernement de la CAQ a décidé de ménager la communauté anglophone en leur conservant les commissions scolaires… Les élections scolaires de la minorité anglophone sont préservées.»
Bernard Drainville, 98,5 FM
If you dont think there was a backdoor deal between “our” Boards and the CAQ, with the caveat to play ball on Law 21 you have never worked for one of these boards.
So we have our school boards and we are now complicit in promoting discrimination, racism and hate. They have their paycheques and privilege and trust me wont bat an eye.
A great day for our “community”.
The funny thing knowing these folks how could I have honestly expected anything else.
Kevin 20:23 on 2019-09-12 Permalink
I suspect it’s that Sonia Lebel told the rest of the CAQ that facing one constitutional challenge at a time was enough.