Updates from September, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 22:01 on 2019-09-18 Permalink | Reply  

    Valérie Plante would like to see a car-free development on the old Blue Bonnets site, partly to balance the car-based plans of the nearby Royalmount project.

    Apparently it’s news that Luc Ferrandez once said il faut rendre la vie difficile aux automobilistes, and his aspiring replacement, Luc Rabouin, won’t condemn him. TVA’s tone here is almost as if cars and driving are a religion, and Ferrandez, Plante and possibly Rabouin are heretics.

    • Chris 23:22 on 2019-09-18 Permalink

      Cars and driving *are* a religion.

    • qatzelok 08:27 on 2019-09-19 Permalink

      Not a religion, but a source of advertising revenue.
      Commercial media is fatally flawed when it comes to liveable ecology.

  • Kate 12:08 on 2019-09-18 Permalink | Reply  

    Not sure what it says about Angela Mancini or about the EMSB that she’d be perfectly fine with seeing the board put under direct government trusteeship.

    • Tim S. 12:33 on 2019-09-18 Permalink

      I think it says that she wants to make sure that she brings everyone else down with her. You know, for the good of the children.
      At least she’s stopped with the self-congratulatory robocalls.

    • Michael Black 12:45 on 2019-09-18 Permalink

      Maybe she’ delusional and really thinks the problem lies elsewhere. It diesn’t seem like good leadership that she woukd accept trusteeship rather than fight for the schoolboard.

      This is assuming the comments here about her are valid. I have no first hand knowledge or was even aware of problems other than the comments. I’m not dismissing those comments either.


    • Ephraim 12:55 on 2019-09-18 Permalink

      I don’t think there is any other solution

    • Michael Black 16:26 on 2019-09-18 Permalink

      Apparently Russell (Copeman) will save the day. He’s part of some association of English school boards and was quoted in a Gazette article today, a reaction to the earlier stories.

      Has he ever been anything but a politician? He was head of the Central Student Council (I never checked to see how many schools that entailed) when I briefly knew him i. 1976, and of course was an MNA for some years.


    • SMD 11:43 on 2019-09-19 Permalink

      And CDN-NDG borough mayor for four years.

  • Kate 07:40 on 2019-09-18 Permalink | Reply  

    The city has pretty good control over how contractors handle contaminated soil from its own construction sites, but the inspector general has revealed that there are 18 sites on the island where soil from private construction is being illegally dumped. Control over this unsupervised practice may be tricky to achieve, but the city wants to do it.

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