Cabot Square: 14 have died since shelter moved
Since the Open Door shelter moved from nearby, 14 people have died in Cabot Square. Item goes on to say that the condo project that bought the church and dislodged the shelter has gone bust, but Westmount is now apparently unwilling to consider a revival of a homeless shelter in that spot.
Daniel 09:30 on 2019-09-19 Permalink
That was a very good and very sad read.
Michael Black 19:21 on 2019-10-11 Permalink
There’s a story at the Gazette today about problems at The Open Door. Staff quitting, a hint of money problems, and David Chapman being fired for “insubordination to the board of directors”. Months back one story refered to him as “the former director” but included no explanatiin, or anywhere else. I know I looked at the time of the story. The latest story says he’s not been replaced and back when I looked, he was still listed at the website.
He seemed to be a major force there, so if he’s gone, it may explain the current troubles.