Updates from September, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 21:22 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

    Parks Canada and the city have come with resignation to the decision that they can’t clear snow off the Lachine Canal bike path because the necessary equipment would tend to damage the heritage site.

    • Roman 21:57 on 2019-09-25 Permalink

      Hm and endless construction doesn’t …

  • Kate 19:01 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

    The director of the Montreal marathon has stepped down following the death of a young runner from cardiac arrest.

    • Kate 18:53 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

      Elevators linking Bonaventure metro, the bus terminus and La Gauchetière Street have finally gone into service after several long delays.

      • Kate 18:48 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

        The language police have told CDN-NDG borough to French up their operations including council sessions, business cards, and all services offered there.

        • Filp 02:07 on 2019-09-26 Permalink

          Nitpicking, okay. But what is the logic of her excuse that there are larger issues to deal with, such as homelessness? The oqlf and homelessness are not in the same universe. What would her priorities be, if everything was arranged in order (which is not how a real city works). Would renovating schools come before, or after homelessness? What about parks? You can use this logic to avoid any issue by comparing it to any other issue

        • Kate 09:19 on 2019-09-26 Permalink

          True, but commissioning new signage, new business cards, the whole picture, means making it someone’s job, and particularly irritating in an area where it’s going to have the exact opposite effect to what’s needed, i.e. effective communication.

      • Kate 18:34 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

        Valérie Plante tweets that public transit will be free on Friday so people can get to and from the big climate march, and she’s just added that it will also be free off the island too. City employees are also being given the day off. The candidates in the Plateau mayoral byelection have agreed to suspend their campaigning for the day.

        CTV predicts difficulty getting around town Friday afternoon.

        • walkerp 22:12 on 2019-09-25 Permalink

          McGill not giving their employees the day off.

        • ant6n 23:13 on 2019-09-25 Permalink


        • Daisy 11:39 on 2019-09-26 Permalink

          They’re not being given the day off — they’re just being encouraged to take one of their personal days.

        • KB 14:13 on 2019-09-26 Permalink

          I have been told I am permitted to go, but it will be counted as a vacation day.

        • mare 15:48 on 2019-09-26 Permalink

          Getting there will be a major undertaking. If you’ve ever been to Osheaga (“only” around 60,000 people) you might know that a metro station can get jam-packed pretty fast, even though Jean-Drapeau station is built with crowds in mind.

          I can only imagine the chaos in the Mont-Royal and Laurier metro stations, that both have very narrow exits with a limited amount of people being able to enter or exit.

          When the platforms are full of people that can’t exit the station new metro cars are not allowed to enter and have to wait in previous stations.

          Bixi is free too but there will be a severe lack of docking stations near the start location pretty soon, but Bixi might have mobile checkin people that move the bikes straight into trucks and trailers.

          Ironically your best bet to get there might be a Jump, Lime or Bird, that you can just leave somewhere near Jean-Mance park or your own bike. Or walk from a metro station further away like Place des arts or catch a bus if you’re lucky and like to be “sardined”.

          I’m not going myself, I can’t stand or walk slowly for hours on end.

      • Kate 07:58 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

        A CMM report says the number of trees and extent of green space are on the rise in Montreal but that it’s a trend that could easily change, given pest attacks on trees and (hinted but unspoken) future changes in political attitude.

        • Kate 07:56 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

          There’s been some alarm and despondency, and some political hay-making, over the federal government’s peculiar choice of a Syrian honorary consul for Montreal – a person Eater defines as the owner of Cocktail Hawaii, a downtown crêpe restaurant. Waseem Ramli is a supporter of Bashar al‑Assad, which many Syrians in Montreal emphatically are not. Foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland is promising to act on this.

          Update: And the appointment has been revoked.

          • JaneyB 13:01 on 2019-09-26 Permalink

            Good. That was fast. Assad is a beast. Tip of the hat to Terry Glavin at Maclean’s for making the connection.

          • Patrick 15:00 on 2019-09-26 Permalink

            How could this have happened in the first place? Wasn’t the guy vetted? Or maybe he was–by Cameron Ortis! Why does the Liberal government shoot itself in the foot so often? Sigh.

        • Kate 07:50 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

          Three workers who somehow got marooned under the new bridge were rescued by the fire department’s daredevil crew early Wednesday. Nobody got hurt.

          • Kate 07:48 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

            An attacker used a firebomb and a knife to rob a depanneur in Lasalle Tuesday night, wounding the clerk, who was sent to hospital.

            • dwgs 09:33 on 2019-09-25 Permalink

              Seems a bit excessive.

          • Kate 07:31 on 2019-09-25 Permalink | Reply  

            Linda Gyulai continues her story aboout the REM A40 station which she says objective critics find unnecessary, placed in a spot where nobody will use it (yet).

            • Blork 11:07 on 2019-09-25 Permalink

              The REM maps list the station as “Correspondance A40” and show it as a connecting point to the “Mascouche line” which isn’t REM but part of EXO.

              I have no skin in this game, so I’m just trying to be open minded, meaning MAYBE the Gazette’s reports are on to something and MAYBE there’s more planning involved than the so-called objective critics know about.

              That said, if you just look at the map, the A40 stop DOES line up with the Mascouche line better than any other stops with the exception of Mont-Royal REM station. This means that Mascouche line users have several options to get downtown. They can jump out at the Sauvé station and go over to the Sauvé Metro (but that’s the congested Orange line, so why would they? But going home in the evening might work that way) or they can jump out at the A40 and take the REM to downtown, or they can stay on the train. (They could do the same at Mont-Royal, but maybe they are expecting a lot of use at Mont-Royal and are planning to diffuse the connecting points instead of pushing them all together.)

              Depending on where they are going and whether or not they need other REM connections, that A40 connection sounds like a nice option. For example, it means people could go from Mascouche to Deux-Montagnes by train without having to go downtown.

              So that’s just me thinking that a network of trains with multiple connecting points is a good idea, especially if you are trying to break out of the idea of mass transit only being for feeding people to downtown.

            • ant6n 13:10 on 2019-09-25 Permalink

              The Mascouche line is planned to terminate at the A40 station. This was the whole issue about “sharing” the Mount-Royal tunnel: REM will kick out all other lines, will not allow them to access gare Centrale.

              This station wouldn’t really be necessary if the REM had been designed only slightly better, in order to allow sharing the Mount-Royal tunnel, allowing the Mascouche (and maybe in the future the St-Jerome line and VIA rail) to actually get downtown. Note the AMT invested a cool 750M$ into the Mascouche line, in large parts the expenses relate to bringing the line through the tunnel to downtown.

              Now there’s the plan to perhaps route the Mascouche line towards Du College station, and possibly downtown by circling around the Taschereau around Cote-St-Luc, which will add a cool 25min to the travel time. In that case, the A40 station will become useless as a correspondence. It would’ve made more sense to move the Montpellier station 200m south, so that it would perfectly intersect with that proposed new route for the Mascouche line.

              One note about possible developments in the area: Yes the CDPQ may invest in the area and make a bunch of money on real estate, but even if people started moving into what is now an idustrial waste land, those will still be the only people who use the stations. Many Metro stations in Montreal aren’t just used by the people who live within 300m, but they come from much further, especially from feeder buses. This won’t happen here, the industrial area is an enclave bordered by highways and railways, and a streetgrid that doesn’t allow bringing in buses from anywhere useful.

            • Blork 16:00 on 2019-09-25 Permalink

              Thanks for the clarifications, ant6n. Sounds like a shitshow for sure.

            • Faiz Imam 19:54 on 2019-09-25 Permalink

              or… folks could just spend the sub 5 mins it takes to transfer at A40 station and voila. problem solved. Transfers are good, they increase utility, not reduce it.

              in related news, the town of Boisbriand just initiated a public consultation to turn 225 Hectares of prime farmland into low density auto dependent suburban housing.

              i wonder what we could do to stop that?

            • Ant6n 20:24 on 2019-09-25 Permalink

              Bring the st Jerome line downtown, providing for a fast direct transit connection downtown, and a single transfer trip to many places in Montreal.

              Transfer stations increase utility, extra forced transfers, especially onto modes with different capacity profiles, is not.

              I think you missed the part about how the a40 station may become useless if the mascouche line gets rerouted.

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