CTV says it has the route for the climate march, but a gathering the size expected Friday at noon might not all stick to that route, since who can speak for all the groups and individuals involved?
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An old couple in Montreal North may lose their home because their son is suspected of hiding a cocaine and cash stash in their house. Giuseppe Grasso is 50 years old and has done this before.
The EMSB has decided to challenge Bill 21 in court.
I wonder if this is a kamikaze move because they understand the province will disband no matter what, if it’s an attempt to gain some sort of leverage, if it’s just the natural push of having so many minorities, or if it’s simply based on strong feelings about the issue plus a lack of common sense/tactical reasoning. Interesting, nonetheless.
The Guardian Cities section looks at the gentrification of Park Extension in Justin Trudeau’s own riding, Papineau.
If only there were some way we could fit more people onto the same amount of land, and thus satisfy housing demand in a smaller area, rather than forcing out the people who are outbid for the scarce units available . . .
Obviously, you can’t blame Trudeau, at least not personally. Obviously, he’s exactly the type of ‘progressive’ who doesn’t want change and would defend the artificial land shortage, and resulting gentrification and displacement created by ultra-low rise zoning. But anything he could do as the PM of Canada would be long term – the pink line would spread gentrification around more, so that the impacts of the artificial scarcity wouldn’t be so concentrated to the several neighborhoods feeling the pain today; buying up tracts and building government-owned market and non-market housing in a big way, which would be exempt from zoning; or massively slashing immigration, foreign work permits, foreign student permits, etc. to cut demand for housing in a big way.
Below, Michael Black mentioned in a comment a grim little incident from Ste-Catherine Street in 1974. With the help of Kristian Gravenor, reliable historian of the weird and morbid parts of our history, and the BAnQ archive, here’s the story from La Presse and an unnamed English-language paper of July 5, 1974. Kristian also researched the rest of the story.
Linda Gyulai continues with her series on the REM, looking at how the new train will kill the Mascouche commuter service.
This isn’t to slam Gyulai, who always does excellent work, but everything she’s been telling us about the REM was predicted by ant6n a couple of years ago. He looked at the plans and their likely consequences and, hey, here they are.
The Mascouche line only opened in 2014 and was damnably expensive. Reports on its overruns were a regular news item for years.
Even in the first months after the project was announced, a lot of the issues that are being talked about now were already foreseeable, my write-up of my first meeting with the REM people and thoughts back in 2016 had most of them right there (including the line by one of the Spokespeople that there will be no shut downs during constructions, maybe a weekend or two — the same person who now gives presentations of their half-arsed mitigation measures during years of shutdowns).
It was an incredibly frustrating experience seeing this thing slowly unfold, knowing that a bunch of rather smallish different choices along the way could’ve made this a pretty good project rather than the mess it is. But it seems our governance, processes and our politicians (Federal, Provincial 1, Provincial 2, Municipal 1, Municipal 2) where not able to deal with this. And the CDPQInfra people just kept straight up lying when issues came up, rather than fixing them…
Joey 14:58 on 2019-09-26 Permalink
I think the bigger issue is many marchers will drop off throughout the afternoon. Four hours from start to Greta’s speech; seven hours from end to end, ouf. Seems extraordinarily long, no? Especially if the aim is to get as many people to to attend Greta’s speech as possible. A march down Parc winding up at the QdeS for speeches would make more sense, no? Over and done with in a few hours…
EmilyG 15:18 on 2019-09-26 Permalink
I’m concerned about places to get water and food, and to use the bathroom, along the route.
EmilyG 15:19 on 2019-09-26 Permalink
Also, that article is weirdly written – implying that nobody reading it will be one of the climate marchers.
walkerp 15:46 on 2019-09-26 Permalink
My understanding is that only the organizers and the cops know the route. This looks like CTV just made it up out of rough guesses, which doesn’t surprise me. What are their sources?
Kate 16:39 on 2019-09-26 Permalink
Well, it turns out I can’t be there, so I hope a lot of you folks can turn out. …Or at least not till later than noon, so who knows what I will run into in any attempt to get downtown.
Kevin 19:02 on 2019-09-26 Permalink
Do you think that organizers wouldn’t talk to reporters?
walkerp 23:09 on 2019-09-26 Permalink
Not to tell them the route. Read the CBC article, it is actually factual and responsibly written:
The exact route of the march is unclear. In a Facebook post, one of the organizers said they will keep the route and the final destination of the march under wraps for “security and logistical reasons.”
CTV, responsible journalism – for the auto lobby.
Kevin 07:31 on 2019-09-27 Permalink
Well, your impressions are wrong. If I’ve learned anything from three decades of participating in/associating with/reporting on the environmental movement, it’s that it’s a herd of cats.
One organizer may say he doesn’t want to talk about the route for security reasons. Another may decide to share it with reporters. A third person may decide to take a completely different route Friday because reasons.
That FB post is absolutely meaningless, especially considering the open nature of the environmental movement. They’re not doing background checks on protesters. The organizers don’t even know the full names of other organizers, let alone how many undercover cops are part of the organizing committee.
walkerp 08:11 on 2019-09-27 Permalink
Well let’s see what the actual route turns out to be and then compare that to the one in the CTV article.
Chris 15:07 on 2019-09-27 Permalink
CTV was exactly right.
Tim S. 08:32 on 2019-09-28 Permalink
In that case, they might as well have officially announced the route. One of the reasons I didn’t go is I didn’t feel like being a pawn in someone else’s game of “let’s disrupt the city and annoy the cops.” They seem to have done alright without me, though.
Kate 08:42 on 2019-09-28 Permalink
There are only so many routes you can take a march of half a million people.
EmilyG 12:20 on 2019-09-28 Permalink
From what I saw during the march, there seemed to be a main route, where most of the people were walking, but also many people turned off onto side streets because they were less crowded and they could move a bit faster, and then rejoined the main route later.