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  • Kate 18:50 on 2019-10-03 Permalink | Reply  

    A man was shot multiple times as he sat at the wheel of a parked SUV in St-Léonard Thursday morning. His life is not in danger. TVA says the motive is not known and no hints are dropped about the victim’s connections.

    • Chris 19:07 on 2019-10-03 Permalink

      You jinxed it with the comment about the minor non-fatal stabbing. 🙂

  • Kate 12:11 on 2019-10-03 Permalink | Reply  

    Roger Taillibert, architect of our Olympic stadium, has died in Paris. He was 93. He also designed the Velodrome, which later became the Biodome.

    • Bill Binns 14:44 on 2019-10-03 Permalink

      So I guess this means we will never get our money back.

    • Michael Black 17:58 on 2019-10-03 Permalink

      On the other hand, no more meddling if something needs to be done to the Stadium. Or maybe he’s left legal structure in place so we can’t mess with his stadium.


    • Ephraim 18:51 on 2019-10-03 Permalink

      May his body lie in a warehouse for 10 years while they try to figure out how to properly lower his body into a grave in a retractable manner.

  • Kate 08:36 on 2019-10-03 Permalink | Reply  

    I still think it’s a fortunate city when the most violent incident reported overnight was a minor non-fatal stabbing in which a guy got cut by his own knife. The attacker has been arrested.

    The only other notable incident is that the orange line stopped mid‑afternoon when a metro worker saw, or thought they saw, someone with a firearm. Service resumed, but the suspicious individual was never found.

    • Kate 08:33 on 2019-10-03 Permalink | Reply  

      A house in NDG caught fire Wednesday after an unexplained explosion, which is now being investigated.

      • Kate 08:31 on 2019-10-03 Permalink | Reply  

        The Biodome was meant to reopen this year, but a shortage of expert help has put off the reopening till spring 2020. Good news, the penguins have hatched some chicks.

        • Ephraim 18:51 on 2019-10-03 Permalink

          Can we get back our Penguins from Pittsburgh as well?

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