History pieces of the weekend

The history content this weekend is a little mundane. The Centre d’histoire considers the first days of the Cité-Jardin du Tricentenaire, east of Maisonneuve Park, and music lessons later given to children from the sector. The Cité-Jardin is worth a look around, but looked at from this end of history, the ideal of creating a residential enclave without so much as a dépanneur feels a bit odd and sterile, the importation of a suburban ideal right into a section of Rosemont. I also wonder why, in 1942, they chose to do without a church or a school. But the residential architecture there is not like anything else in town.

The Gazette’s look back stuff this week: the extension of St Helen’s Island, a visit from William Shatner in 1980 – the item notes that it was after the original series, but makes no mention of 1979’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture – and a brief profile of Nicholas Hoare, who ran a couple of the city’s better anglo bookstores after the end of the Classic Books era.