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  • Kate 16:04 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

    There was a demo downtown Saturday in urgent support of the Kurds who’ve been left undefended against Turkey. It’s not clear to me what Canada can do, especially with the U.S. in the mood it’s in, but I understand why people sometimes simply have to get out and speak up.

    • qatzelok 17:53 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

      Turkey is our “ally.” When our allies kill thousands of innocent people, it’s often called “fighting terrorism” in our media.

      It’s also what our genocidal “pioneers” thought they were doing: fighting terrorism.

    • Michael Black 19:37 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

      I don’t think that’s a proper interpretation.

      The cousins were often very welcoming when Europeans came over. It was when the Eurooeans acted badly that the cousins reacted.

      So nobody wrote down anything about my great, great, great grandparent s marriage in 1812, but Mourning Dove in her autobiography says that the relatives were not happy when she moved away as a result of the marriage. That sounds like any parents.

      All those westerns are real, in that there was a reaction to the masses moving in, rather than to trade, and marry. The Battle of Little Big Horn was because of a broken treaty, which said the Paha Sapa were for the Sioux. But then the settlers came, and gold was found in those Black Hills, so there was reaction.

      Your use of “terrorism” skews the story to the Europeans, the mistreatment generally happened before the cousins did anything. Hence to mistreat them early on just continued, rather than presenting the push back as being because they were violent.

      Europeans may not have liked Chief Joseph, or Sitting Bull, or cousin Louis, but they were generally treated as trouble, not “terrorists”.

      Yesterday was the 150th anniversary of Louis and others disrupting the survey. I thought I saw that October 21st ( this year’s election day) was an anniversary of some event, but Oct 22nd is Louis’ birthday, the day before mine.

      These are more important things than your need to demonize Europeans who came over. It’s way more important to speak of the cousins than how European settlers treated them. The cousins have suffered badly, but they don’t have the rage of white people who suddenly discover some mistrearment of tge cousins.


    • Kate 20:23 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

      How did a brief post about the Kurds turn into an epic about indigenous people in 2 comments?

    • Chris 20:29 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

      Through the magic of internet commenting!

    • qatzelok 07:45 on 2019-10-13 Permalink

      Michael, thanks for reminding us that even though the Kurds are suffering, it’s no one’s fault, and certainly not the fault of rich countries using the poor underclasses as ramming rods against one another.


    • dwgs 10:59 on 2019-10-15 Permalink

      Thank you Michael for the thoughtful response, I learned something. qatzelok, it’s clear that Michael was responding only to your last sentence, your dismissive sarcastic response was unwarranted imo.

  • Kate 11:43 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

    Bus route 14 is going to be the 14 Atateken, changing its label from Amherst as the street changes. The route, not one of the major ones, remains the same.

    • Kate 11:39 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

      New condo towers will rise just south of the Gesù Church at Bleury and René-Lévesque.

      • Kate 11:12 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

        Various sources have been marvelling recently over the mass of snow lingering in the St-Michel quarry, but this CBC piece says the canyon in question used to be the Miron quarry, which I think is mistaken. The Miron quarry became the Complexe environnemental de St-Michel and, later, Frédéric-Back park. The quarry used by the city for snow is, I believe, the old Francon quarry, further east, and with no plans in the works to turn it into a park like the other.

        • Kate 10:05 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

          A professor at UQÀM, suspended over allegations of indecent exposure in May, has been newly accused of lurking and flashing young students in the grounds of a private high school, although nobody has charged him with creeping at UQÀM itself.

          • Joey 08:21 on 2019-10-15 Permalink

            Thanks Kate. That page is pretty skimpy on details. It’s encouraging to see that they will enable rear entry (though only on accordion buses). I’m surprised not to see any language about NFC technology, incorporating Opus cards into phone-based digital wallets, etc., though I assume someone at the STM is thinking about that.

        • Kate 09:42 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

          The city Stationnement de Montréal will be making its parking meters fancier and more high-tech soon.

          • Ephraim 12:12 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

            The city doesn’t own the meters, yet, as far as I know. And what? Are they finally going to put chip readers so they aren’t used by thieves skimming the magnetic stripes anymore? I actually had a car skimmed this way… thief didn’t get anything, I caught the attempt to use the card number within 2 minutes of their first attempt. But it was definitely a parking meter that was used.

          • Faiz Imam 13:54 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

            The parking authority’s smartphone app workers wonderfully well and is almost free. I have not touched a parking meter in years.

          • Tim 21:20 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

            Agree with Faiz. The app is easy to use and I no longer overpay because of the notification when time is expiring. I’m sure that the city is getting less money because of the app.

          • Joey 22:58 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

            Off topic, but does anyone have any info on the new Opus readers that are being hinted at on STM buses?

          • Kate 10:47 on 2019-10-13 Permalink

        • Kate 09:41 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

          The STM was going to build a residential development at Frontenac metro, including social housing, but the project is now on hold after some unspecified disagreement with the contractor, although this rather vague piece suggests it will be redefined and relaunched eventually. It’s not clear here why the STM is involved in such a project anyway, unless it’s simply that the land is in the environs of the metro station.

          • Kate 09:32 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

            TVA reports that a teenager was stabbed in Côte-des-Neiges not long after midnight, but there’s little more to the story.

            • Kate 09:28 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

              Radio-Canada finds that one third of the ruelles vertes in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve are in a state of neglect. I’m not surprised: often these projects are the fruit of one or two very keen neighbours who carry others along in their enthusiasm. But when those people move away or can no longer devote time to maintenance, nobody else picks up the responsibility.

              • Kate 09:12 on 2019-10-12 Permalink | Reply  

                CBC’s Kamila Hinkson summarizes the battle for the Peel Basin area: will it be built up as a neighbourhood, or handed off to potentates to turn into a baseball stadium with adjacent luxury condos?

                • Tim S. 11:35 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

                  Unmentioned in the article, but worth pointing out, over and over again: Stephen Bronfman is a major fundraiser for the federal Liberals and friend of Justin Trudeau. If you think a federal Liberal government wouldn’t spend taxpayer dollars to support a baseball stadium, think again.

                • Faiz Imam 12:28 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

                  Gonna have to disagree with you there Tim.

                  Over the last few years stadium projects in Hamilton, Ottawa , Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg and Regina have all asked for federal funding. And the feds have rejected almost all but Hamilton and Ottawa.

                  Their reasoning is pretty clear, any stadium whose sole use is a private sports league(CFL, NHL, MLB) will not get any Funding. But a stadium which is used for a major international sports event is eligible. (Olympics, world cup, athletics championship, etc)

                  A baseball field does not at all qualify. It’s basically useless for anything but baseball. And if a ton of stadiums out west we’re all rejected for funding, it would be political suicide to give any to Montreal.

                  This is not to say Bronfman won’t get money. The Liberals are already elitist scumbags who are opening loopholes for the ultra wealthy. Brofman will get plenty of money of his own to play with.

                • Tim S. 13:35 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

                  Well, I can’t predict the future, so we’ll see. But one generally doesn’t agree to lead a political fundraising campaign without some idea of the favours you want in return. I suppose it is possible Bronfman was just doing a favour for his old friend.

                • Tim 21:31 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

                  Fascinating to learn that the original stadium built in that area didn’t even last 20 years. Built in ’62 and then demolished in the 70’s according to the article. What a waste.

                • Kate 22:03 on 2019-10-12 Permalink

                  The Autostade. Wikipedia says the Alouettes played there 1968–1976. “The stadium was considered by many to be located too far from downtown (a complaint that would be echoed years later regarding Olympic Stadium) as well as too cold due to its proximity to the Saint Lawrence River.”

                  Too far from downtown! At that rate, they ought to be constructing one at Peel and Ste‑Catherine.

                • Uatu 10:07 on 2019-10-13 Permalink

                  I just remember seeing the back of the risers from the Bonaventure expressway everytime we would drive into town and later realizing that the sightlines would’ve been much better than those in the bigowe. I guess the better view from a traditional stadium design was obvious when U2 forced a game to Molson stadium and the rest is history. Heh, Tailleberts stadium design looks cool, but is ultimately outperformed by a college football field

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