City to cut down 40,000 ash trees
The city will be cutting down 40,000 ash trees in six of its nature parks. Damaged by the emerald ash borer, the trees to be axed are considered dangerous because they’re near walking paths or buildings. Some of the wood will be useful for city projects.
Joey 08:22 on 2019-10-17 Permalink
Plus two on my block 🙁
Spi 08:50 on 2019-10-17 Permalink
Makes me wonder if we should be proactively planting new trees near mature ones that are nearing the end of their life expectancy. We know it takes several decades for them to reach a meaningful size, let’s avoid decades of baren parks and streets.
Michael Black 10:59 on 2019-10-17 Permalink
Jessica Deer made the point some years back that Ash trees have been used to make baskets and other traditional things, and wondered if cut diwn Ash trees could be used for that. I know someone more recently said something abkut how the Ash problem will impact traditional culture if the trees disappear.
Mr.Chinaski 13:31 on 2019-10-17 Permalink
The Ash trees they cut are used to create new wooden-based spec benchs by the city.
But as with every type of infection (ex: Dutch Elm disease), natural regulation will happen or new cultivars will be created, All this is actually benefitial for the ecosystem.
denpanosekai 17:09 on 2019-10-17 Permalink
Had my ash tree cut last week for 1500$. This week they’re already calling to replace it.