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  • Kate 17:21 on 2019-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

    The walking and cycling path on the new bridge, announced for Halloween, has been delayed till the end of autumn – basically, until it’s too iced up to be useful.

    • Faiz imam 17:46 on 2019-10-28 Permalink

      Unfortunate, i live pretty close and have been looking forward to checking it out.

      But it should be pointed out that unlike Jacques Cartier, this one will be open 12 months out of the year. They built in some design features to make it safe and easy to clean snow and ice. So winter cycling enthusiasts will be able to use it even if it opens at a bad time.

      I read elsewhere that the issue is they need to shutdown the highway for a night to finish off the pedestrian overpass, and they can’t do that in time.

    • Kate 09:24 on 2019-10-29 Permalink

      safe and easy to clean snow and ice

      That’s seasonal amnesia talking, lad.

    • Faiz Imam 23:25 on 2019-10-29 Permalink

      We shall see. I was talking to a guy from Velo quebec and he seemed pretty happy with the design.

  • Kate 17:18 on 2019-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

    The old Royal Vic buildings will reopen as an emergency shelter on December 1. The facility helped more than a thousand men, and 150 women, when other city shelters were full on cold days last season.

    • Ephraim 17:23 on 2019-10-28 Permalink

      Anyone know… was this a dry or wet shelter? We really need wet shelters, too many of these people get turned away.

    • Kate 17:47 on 2019-10-28 Permalink

      I’m pretty sure it was not a wet shelter, if only because recent news about a new wet shelter talks about it as if it’s a new thing in town.

    • Faiz imam 17:48 on 2019-10-28 Permalink

      Given how useful, arguably critical this is turning into, I hope this becomes apart of whatever Mcgill will do with the site. With how much space they are gaining, and their claims about created multiple public spaces, a shelter can and should be a part of that.

      But their snobby elitism may or may not get in the way. Really depends on the people in charge.

    • SMD 20:01 on 2019-10-28 Permalink

      This op-ed from last Friday suggests that the province make sure McGill maintains the public and social vocation of the heritage site before handing it over. I don’t know all the ins and outs, but the authors seem well-versed in the topic.

  • Kate 17:16 on 2019-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

    The death of Zombie Boy in summer 2018 was widely reported as suicide, but a coroner’s report says it was accidental, Rick Genest having fallen to his death from a third-floor balcony while very drunk.

    • Kate 08:28 on 2019-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

      A part of Van Horne was repaved recently, but on the weekend was the site of both a water main break and a gas line break.

      • Kate 08:16 on 2019-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

        At the halfway point of her term, during Projet’s weekend council, Mayor Plante gives herself 7 out of 10, citing the great western park and the creation of more social housing (ongoing) as achievements. It’s only mentioned in passing, but the city’s involvement in the redevelopment of the Molson lands – rather than the hands-off developer free-for-all in Griffintown fostered by Tremblay – will be seen in retrospect as a positive change for the city. If you want to shape the urban landscape, profit can’t be the only motive.

        • vasi 17:11 on 2019-10-28 Permalink

          I’d give her extra points for the law preventing sales of dogs from puppy mills!

      • Kate 08:02 on 2019-10-28 Permalink | Reply  

        People in the know say methamphetamine is a neglected problem in Montreal.

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