The city has named a square after Father Emmett Johns, who died last year. He’s revered for having launched Dans la rue in 1988. The square is described here as “just north of Papineau metro” which must mean the square that actually contains the metro station, marked on Google maps as “Parc Maisonneuve-Cartier” unless it’s the little square of greenery bordered by de Lorimier, de Maisonneuve, rue Campion and the bridge? But that mostly contains a small skate park.
Updates from October, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
The machine the REM will use to dig a tunnel from the Technoparc to the airport has been delivered aboard 60 trucks, and they want a name for it.
naming the machine – that’s doing a consultation cdpq-style. (Meanwhile the Deux-Montagnes riders are starting to freak out and being skillfully ignored)
Seriously? Turning to the internet for a name? I’m waiting for it to be called “asshole mcdrillface” or something like that
Uatu… Please…. trou-de-cul de-la-visage-de-perceuse au Québec!
Beauty’s has sent out mises en demeure to other restaurants over having something called the Mish-Mash on their menus. Notice this never happened while old Mr. Sckolnick was still alive.
I wonder what Tony from Cosmo’s would say to such a request?
Wha? I googled mish-mash and it comes up as a traditional Bulgarian recipe. I wonder if people are finally cluing into the fact that the food at Beauty’s has been mediocre for at least a dozen years now, and Beauty’s is trying to make a cash grab at their competitors who serve WAY better breakfasts, like nearby Bagel Etc. for example.
A few suburbs are responding to forecasts of high winds and rain for Thursday evening by decreeing that trick-or-treating should be moved to Friday.
Not just suburbs – Val Plante is asking people to stay home Thursday too.
The forecast is for rain, with heavier rain overnight Thursday, along with strong winds overnight and all day Friday.walkerp
This is either a conspiracy by Halloween haters to get it cancelled altogether (because Friday is going to be a lot colder than Thursday and windy) or by the children themselves to get two nights of Halloween. Either way I am taking the fundamentally reactionary position and going out tomorrow.
Yup, it’s all over Twitter and elsewhere – the mayor says trick-or-treating will be on Friday night.
haha, like the mayor gets to decide. She gonna send the cops to ticket tomorrow’s trick or treaters?
Mark Côté
The mayor isn’t “deciding” anything; she’s recommending/urging kids go out Friday instead. 6 degrees (forecast for Friday) is not uncommon for Halloween. 50 mm of rain on Halloween has literally never occurred in Montreal’s recorded history; the record was 22.4 mm in 2013. We got that much a few weeks ago and if you went out for more than a few minutes you were totally drenched, and umbrellas are going to be useless in that wind.
That said it’s pretty much going to be two days of Halloween, as I’m positive some people will go out tomorrow and some will be giving candy out.
Michael Black
I think if it’s heavy rain,maybe if it’s even light rain, parents will decide to keep their kids home. I vaguely remember kind of cold Halloweens where we had to wear heavier clothes underneath, but none where it was so bad we stayed in. Rain is different, being wet is more immediately uncomfortable, and will bother the costumes.
The only thing “moving Halloween” does is give kids hope when their parents say it’s too wet to go out. And it may ensure houses are waiting for them on Friday.
But yes, I expect some kids to be out on Thursday, which does mean two nights of Halloween.
Workers at the contemporary art museum are picketing Wednesday against what they call a pathetic salary increase. Most of the workers are women and are siting the issue in line with underpayment of women generally.
But I just heard François Legault on the radio this morning trumpeting that in Quebec women and men are equal, so surely women get paid the same as men here. /s
Then he owes me, nau. I have consistently been paid less than men for the same work throughout my working life, when I was able to find out the relative pay rates.
Quebec’s economy is booming against a backdrop of a more sluggish world economy. Meantime the CAQ is reducing immigration levels and putting in a new “values” test clearly meant to tamp down on the range of possible immigrants here.
This is when working people can make demands: better conditions, higher minimum wage. Ever since the population fell after the Black Death, working people have had the upper hand when the economy needed them most. But I don’t see much movement in that direction here.
It is truly amazing how productive “immigrants” are for Legault and the CAQ. They are the gift that keeps on giving.
Because as we all know immigrants do not believe in Quebec values, like targeting minority groups for electoral gain.
This quote is particularly rich and frankly I think I could have heard this 50 years ago from an uncle who had too much to drink. “« Je pense qu’après 24 heures de cours [les immigrants] vont connaître les valeurs qui sont dans la Charte », a lancé M.Legault”
I would bet a thousand dollars that 98% of white Quebecers wouldn’t be able to tell you two things in that Charter.Chris
Reducing immigration levels? The last paragraph of this says Quebec is (slightly) increasing them.
This test will probably be mostly useless, I mean, any die-hard Islamist trying to sneak in here will just study, lie, and pass. Then again, is it really any more egregious than the existing federal citizenship test? It’s also easy to lie about pledging allegiance to the Queen.
Chris, you’re quite the CAQ apologist. They squeezed immigration down before letting up again, is what they did.
is it really any more egregious than the existing federal citizenship test?
It is, because the federal test is about facts: facts about Canadian history and government. The Quebec test is intended more to probe how people feel about the facts – if we can even call our precious laïcité “fact” when our supposedly nonreligious schools have names like Christ-Roi, Coeur-Immaculé-de-Marie or Saint-Enfant-Jésus.
Can you really judge someone’s attitudes by a written test? No. But it buys a lot of regional votes for the CAQ.
CAQ apologist?! ROTFL! Please don’t confuse dispassionate analysis with support.
Yes, they squeezed immigration down before letting it up again. That’s _exactly_ what the paragraph I linked to said. Your summary says nothing about it being up again, in fact it says the opposite.
I don’t believe the exact questions are known, but it seems this new test is _also_ about facts. Things like: who has the right to marry? Knowing that the answer is “two people, regardless of sex” does not mean one agrees with the answer. It does not appear that this ‘values test’ asks one to affirm agreement with anything. That would be another matter. By contrast, the federal citizenship process not only requires you to know facts about the Queen, but to pledge allegiance.
This new test seems designed to be basically impossible to fail. As such, it’s not going to actually reject any prospective immigrants. Therefore that can’t be it’s actual goal. It’s goal is political. It’s a signal to the many people uncomfortable with immigration. Of what? Optimistically, they’re trying to manufacture consent to now increase immigration (as business wants, remember CAQ is right-wing pro-business) by saying ‘look, we’re screening out baddies’ (even if they’re not). Pessimistically, they’re signalling darker things, which I needn’t elaborate on.
@ Chris you are not addressing what is fundamental here. The values test, immigration levels are a ruse. CAQ is using immigrants and religious minorities as targets and easy binaries to bulwark their support in the majority community, amongst those who are ethnic supremacists. This is not at all about immigrants it is about our collective stupidity. This is my passionate analysis.
The Canadian citizenship test isn’t just about knowing facts, it comes with a book, “Discover Canada”, that’s does include some folklore and talk about the greatness of democratic values and some such.
Thanks ant6n. Having been born here I never had to undergo the procedure. I just looked things up quickly on the government site before I posted.
La Presse has journalists turning over the pages of the Jean Drapeau archive, finding details like his idea to have a “village gaulois” at La Ronde and a metro red line using the Mount Royal tunnel – this has been seen before on early layouts of the system. Metro has some pictures and further details. The fascination is that Drapeau reshaped the city, and it’s interesting to see how things could’ve worked out differently if his plans had gone in other directions.
A patient stabbed a staff member in the Sacré-Cœur Hospital psych ward on Tuesday. I wonder why the victim was brought to a different hospital: you’d think one of the benefits of working in a hospital is they’d patch you up if you got hurt there.
A suspect has been rounded up in the Lasalle dépanneur robbery last week in which the clerk was tied up. Bets Tyson Ruggles is also the guy who tried to set fire to another Lasalle dep a month ago, because he’s accused of a string of other holdups around Lasalle recently.
The headline here mentions public markets, but this is about the enforcement of rules only at Jean-Talon where there have been fake farmers reselling commercial goods, stall-holders illegally subletting their spaces and other irregularities. These things have been discussed before on the blog, but it’s unclear whether this housecleaning will create a better market for the customer. Some of the sellers are worried that the market is already too empty.
Thirty shots were fired Tuesday evening in an obscure corner of St-Michel just south of the 40. Nobody was hurt, although cars were dinged up, and nobody has been arrested.
steph 06:50 on 2019-10-31 Permalink
The inauguration took place in the square that actually contains the metro station.
Kate 07:42 on 2019-10-31 Permalink
Yes, you’re right. Photos of the event show Michel de Broin’s Révolutions in the background, and that’s in the same square as the station.
I suppose the name “Maisonneuve-Cartier” referred more to the bridge and the street than the historical figures. I’ve never known anyone refer to that square by that name anyway.