History pieces on the eve of snow
The Centre d’histoire piece this weekend shows the transformation of the Olympic Velodrome into the Biodome between 1989 and 1992 – a change that, as they note, was deeply unpopular with cycling groups at the time. It was a Pierre Bourque idea, when he was head of the botanical garden. Radio-Canada looks back 25 years to Bourque’s election as mayor in 1994 on his ideal of making the whole city into a garden. Text and archive video clips on the Bourque story.
The Journal – have they started rummaging through their photo archive like the Gazette? – also uses photos to illustrate the arrest of union leader Michel Chartrand 50 years ago for seditious speeches.
Radio-Canada tells how the Canadiens’ Jacques Plante introduced the goalie mask to the NHL 60 years ago after a string of injuries to his face.
The Gazette has a good photo of the construction of Place des Arts in 1961, but in the text the interesting fact is that two streets disappeared in the project – Plateau and Winning. Plateau had a school that moved north to its current location inside Lafontaine Park, and later gave its name to the entire district.
ant6n 21:23 on 2019-11-10 Permalink
meta: did the header image change?
Chris 21:37 on 2019-11-10 Permalink
Yes, the number incremented to 18 years and some colour changed: https://web.archive.org/web/20190601195442/http://mtlcityweblog.com/
Kate 21:46 on 2019-11-10 Permalink
I did the switcheroo today (Sunday). I was also going to change the font, but then I saw a McDonald’s ad on a bus with the exact font I had in mind, so I kept the old one. Might do a proper redesign sometime next year.
ant6n 21:58 on 2019-11-10 Permalink
I think the image itself hadn’t changed since the design change in March 2010 or so.
Kate 22:25 on 2019-11-10 Permalink
ant6n, you’re correct on that. I do graphic design for a living but when I’m doing the blog it’s a different thing where I focus on the content and the words, not the packaging.
That said, the blog needs a newer look, with a theme that adapts properly to different screen sizes.
ant6n 00:17 on 2019-11-11 Permalink
I think some futzing around with the CSS could probably do the trick, some combination of ‘max-width: Npx’ and ‘width: K%’ could perhaps allow the use of full width on small screens and not the full width on larger screens, although the sidebar may make things more complicated.
Kate 08:36 on 2019-11-11 Permalink
No doubt, but this theme has not been updated for a couple of years, so it would probably be a good idea for me to find a whole new theme. But I don’t want anything that looks or behaves much differently.
Chris 10:29 on 2019-11-11 Permalink
BTW Kate, have you thought about enabling https?
Kate 11:04 on 2019-11-11 Permalink
No, Chris. Why do you think I should?
MarcG 13:01 on 2019-11-11 Permalink
There’s already a valid SSL certificate installed on the server so you might at well use it, at least for the WP login and admin area where it will help keep your private stuff private.
Kate 20:44 on 2019-11-11 Permalink
MarcG: how do you know that?
MarcG 23:55 on 2019-11-11 Permalink
If you visit https://mtlcityweblog.com your browser will show you something like a green-lock icon, indicating that the ceritificate is valid. Your server has cPanel installed, which uses AutoSSL to install them for free. More here https://blog.cpanel.com/autossl/.