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  • Kate 12:04 on 2019-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

    Radio-Canada talks to Olivier Legault of Vivre en ville about his view that we expect too much of the snow removal process, “On doit mettre l’hiver en dehors de la ville le plus rapidement possible.” The group has a document about living with winter in the city.

    I’ve definitely seen a growing chorus of crankiness in social media comments, blaming city hall for the effects of weather on the roads, water mains and life in general. But we live in a climate that can be harsh and, existentially, we can’t be excused all its consequences.

    • Tim F 15:27 on 2019-11-17 Permalink

      I want to read this but I’ll have to dust off the old laptop to do so: this is essentially useless by phone.

    • Tim F 19:41 on 2019-11-17 Permalink

      On a related note I remember a few years back a documentary on the CBC by Josh Freed (of all people) talking about how other Nordic cities live with winter. “Life Below Zero,” if memory serves. I tried looking for it a couple of weeks ago but it no longer seems to be available online.

    • Jonathan 11:32 on 2019-11-18 Permalink

      This is awesome and have always thought that we need to accept and adapt to winter.

      Tim – I think the audience for that pdf (if that’s what you are referring to) is municipal and planning staff… so pdf is definitely the more appropriate format since most would either be reading on their computers or want to print it out.

  • Kate 11:26 on 2019-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

    Floating to the top of my searches this week has been a suite of pieces about Montreal from the Washington Post. Odd that they illustrate “Ste-Catherine Street” with a photo of the bland Jeanne-Mance side of the MAC. There’s also a peculiar notion that Papineau is the “north end” of the Plateau; I can’t even tell where the tennis court photo that adorns the section on the Plateau was taken, but I wouldn’t call it a typical Plateau scene. The section on Petite-Patrie mentions Jean-Talon market in the intro but doesn’t show it, and somehow detours into Jarry Park.

    But I’m irritated most by the Old Port section, adorned with a photo of Notre-Dame. Yes, I know that in recent years there’s been a trend to call all of Old Montreal “The Old Port” (and I’m not sure this isn’t being pushed by local marketing, either) but it’s not accurate. Anyone here knows the Old Port is rue de la Commune and everything between that and the river itself, the rest being Old Montreal. And no, the writer does not visit Notre-Dame.

    Be warned, if you try to look at all these pieces without a WaPo subscription, eventually you will hit a firewall paywall.

    • Spi 14:50 on 2019-11-17 Permalink

      Those are the tennis courts are at parc jeanne-mance, it’s taken from the southern portion at marie-anne looking north.

    • david100 17:02 on 2019-11-17 Permalink

      That Old Port thing drives me nuts and it happens in both English and French.

    • Kate 18:33 on 2019-11-17 Permalink

      Spi: thanks. Of course it is – I never think of them as seen from the south side.

    • Chris 10:42 on 2019-11-18 Permalink

      Since we’re being pedantic about neighbourhood names, can I be pedantic about vocabulary? 🙂 The word you want is “paywall”, not “firewall”.

    • qatzelok 11:52 on 2019-11-18 Permalink

      I agree with you, Kate, that the Washington Post article basically un-sells Montreal as a tourist destination with its bland pictures of empty spaces with no visual markers present.

    • Bill Binns 12:49 on 2019-11-18 Permalink

      Papineau is pretty clearly “the north end of the plateau” to anyone looking at a map who has not been informed that Montreal uses a different compass then the rest of the planet. We can’t expect outsiders to figure out a system where major streets that run south to north are called “east” in the north and “west” in the south and “Montreal North” is due west of Montreal.

  • Kate 11:08 on 2019-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

    The early start to winter temperatures is overcrowding homeless shelters, and the additional shelter at the old Vic won’t open till December 1. Volunteers handed out food and clothing at Place Émilie-Gamelin on Saturday.

    • Kate 11:05 on 2019-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

      A reddit post notes that this is the coldest November 17 since 1924. A good day to stay in and read.

      CBC introduces us to Henri Tranquille, whose bookstore will be memorialized in the name for the new park/rink at Clark and Ste-Catherine. The store is noted as the place where the Refus global was launched, and honoured (now) with the memory of how much the Catholic church condemned it. (Anyone who thinks the Church was nbd should ponder this paragraph: “In a letter to Tranquille in 1949, Monsignor Albert Valois, the director of the Diocesan Committee for Catholic Action, implored the bookstore owner to remove from his shelves the works of French author Émile Zola.”)

      The Gazette this week looked at the first time the Parti québécois won an election – November 16, 1976 – and other moments from the archive.

      The Centre d’histoire piece has some unrelated items connected with the Berri viaduct at Sherbrooke Street and its environs.

      And lots from Radio-Canada this week in audio, video and text: the history of the tramway (as a form of transit generally, not just here), and, as the STM celebrates the centenary of the city bus in Montreal, another piece on how the tram gave way to the bus here.

      There’s also a look back to 1969, when a season of protests and rioting as well as FLQ bombs persuaded Jean Drapeau to cancel the Santa Claus parade.

      Radio-Canada also notes, sadly, the closure of 100-year-old jewellery shop J. Omer Roy on Mount Royal, which has always had a great neon sign with a clock, which may be acquired by Concordia’s growing sign collection. I hope so.

      • Kate 09:49 on 2019-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

        Questions have lingered about the Joël Robuchon restaurant at the Casino since it opened in 2016 with a large but unstated infusion of public money. Now both the Liberals and SQ have demanded Quebec’s auditor-general investigate the restaurant’s “mécanisme pouvant être utilisé à des fins d’évitement fiscal” as revealed by Le Devoir this week.

        • Ephraim 14:54 on 2019-11-17 Permalink

          The restaurant is in one of the worst locations… you have to walk through to the Quebec pavilion and then down an elevator to get there. And yet, it’s full and frankly… it’s delicious, it’s really showing food as artwork and despite the name of Robuchon, the chefs there, under the tutelage of the Robuchon organization are creating fantastic work.

          Quebec’s cuisine may be wonderfully tasty, but it is definitely not as much of a piece of artwork as this is. And I think that it will only help with the next generation, as they move from there into their own kitchens that we will start to see more Montreal chef’s who can create such dishes. Not that it is a place that I can really afford to go to, other than once a year on a splurge… but it was definitely worth it compared to some other Montreal high end restaurants that I have been to, over the years. And I so far haven’t seen a plate in Montreal that equals that chef’s table at Robuchon.

        • Kate 10:40 on 2019-11-18 Permalink

          Ephraim, the New Year menu on the site ($150 or $250) includes elements like “Cauliflower in a silky orchestration with vegan caviar” and “Scampi and caviar embraced by a spaghetti crown champagne emulsion” – I bet it looks great, though.

      • Kate 09:40 on 2019-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

        A pizzeria in the eastern Plateau was targeted by arsonists early Sunday, but was caught in time.

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