Snow removal: how far can it go?
Radio-Canada talks to Olivier Legault of Vivre en ville about his view that we expect too much of the snow removal process, “On doit mettre l’hiver en dehors de la ville le plus rapidement possible.” The group has a document about living with winter in the city.
I’ve definitely seen a growing chorus of crankiness in social media comments, blaming city hall for the effects of weather on the roads, water mains and life in general. But we live in a climate that can be harsh and, existentially, we can’t be excused all its consequences.
Tim F 15:27 on 2019-11-17 Permalink
I want to read this but I’ll have to dust off the old laptop to do so: this is essentially useless by phone.
Tim F 19:41 on 2019-11-17 Permalink
On a related note I remember a few years back a documentary on the CBC by Josh Freed (of all people) talking about how other Nordic cities live with winter. “Life Below Zero,” if memory serves. I tried looking for it a couple of weeks ago but it no longer seems to be available online.
Jonathan 11:32 on 2019-11-18 Permalink
This is awesome and have always thought that we need to accept and adapt to winter.
Tim – I think the audience for that pdf (if that’s what you are referring to) is municipal and planning staff… so pdf is definitely the more appropriate format since most would either be reading on their computers or want to print it out.