More time to cross the street
City hall is promising to give pedestrians more time to cross certain streets with particular attention to crossings near hospitals, schools and daycares. This story is being reported in advance of a full announcement later Monday, so more details are to come.
Update: the city is promising pedestrian lights to be added to all locations that have regular traffic lights now.
ant6n 10:50 on 2019-11-18 Permalink
I’d say the better way to improve walkabaility, at least at intersections where streets aren’t so wide, is to reduce all traffic light times. Basically, people don’t want to wait at a red light. Whereas cars like very long green-phases. If you go to places like Zurich, you’ll not extremely short traffic light cycles.
Bill Binns 12:25 on 2019-11-18 Permalink
A couple of years ago they changed the timing of the signals on Sherbrooke E in front of LaFontaine park. I don’t think the pedestrian signal is any longer but for the first 5 seconds or so, no cars move at all. This allows pedestrians to get out into the middle of the street and be seen before turning car traffic starts moving. Really makes all the difference in the world.
PO 19:14 on 2019-11-18 Permalink
@Bill: in a lot of intersections without the pedestrian sign, the lights start out at “forward green arrow” indicating only driving forward, no turns. Then it switches to a full green, and drivers can turn, but pedestrians have already had a chance to make their way into the road. You’re right, it’s a good feature. If the city intends to add pedestrian lights at all traffic lights, hopefully they use this delayed configuration.