A visit to the Blue Line office
Metro visited the downtown offices of the blue line extension department – 200 people up in Place Bonaventure, preparing the start of the excavations sometime next year.
In related news, a group called Trajectoire Québec says it’s urgent to get the orange line extended to Bois-Franc station, and soon.
Jonathan 09:57 on 2019-12-04 Permalink
Hard to tell if you are unsure of who the organization is, but Trajectoire is the new-ish name for Transport 2000. It’s been around since the 70s and has been quite vocal over these years.
Michael Black 10:02 on 2019-12-04 Permalink
I didn’t know Transport 2000had changed its name, though obviously I have known about the group is under its previous name.
Jonathan 10:04 on 2019-12-04 Permalink
I also think that the recent Stats Can report that you linked to previously gives a lot of credence to this idea… if people are more likely to work and live outside the city’s downtown, then an intermodal link to the orange line at Bois Franc would likely increase the use of public transit for those living in the West Island/North shore and working along the Decarie corridor.
Kate 10:48 on 2019-12-04 Permalink
Jonathan, thanks for the heads-up re Transport 2000 changing its name. I had not known.