Updates from December, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 23:24 on 2019-12-21 Permalink | Reply  

    The SPVM has noted that no cyclists have been killed on Montreal’s streets this year; CTV counts 24 pedestrians down, which is a lot – the worst record in ten years.

    • Ian 13:25 on 2019-12-24 Permalink

      So does this mean we can slow down on fixating on making infrastructure as safe as possible for bicyclists, and start focusing more on pedestrians? Stop signs at every crosswalk with full stops for bikes and cars both, enforcing the no parking too close to a corner laws already on the books, and reducing the size of trucks allowed in mixed commercial/ residential neighbourhoods would be a great start.

  • Kate 18:18 on 2019-12-21 Permalink | Reply  

    Hospital emergencies are overwhelmed in and around town this weekend.

    • Kate 11:45 on 2019-12-21 Permalink | Reply  

      The cycling and walking path on the new bridge is set to open Monday.

      • Faiz imam 12:13 on 2019-12-22 Permalink

        As I promised not long ago, I plan to try it out in the next few weeks on a day when the weather is looking better. Its suppose to be a fully winterized.

        Maybe i’ll go the day or two after a snow storm just to see?

      • Kate 13:50 on 2019-12-22 Permalink

        Faiz Imam, if you do, please come back and report!

      • Blork 21:44 on 2019-12-22 Permalink

        It’s supposed to be 5C tomorrow (Monday). I hope to see some reports!

        Note that this is very different from the Pont Jacques-Cartier bike path because it’s mostly flat, vs. the JC, which is steeply up or down the whole way (except for about a 50 metre bit in the middle).

      • Bill Binns 12:11 on 2019-12-23 Permalink

        Good news for the handful of daredevils that will attempt it before April. Bad news for the hundreds of people who will have to keep it maintained for those daredevils all winter.

      • Raymond Lutz 12:39 on 2019-12-23 Permalink

        @Binns: et ils seront payés avec VOS taxes! 😎 En espérant que les employés de la firme de sous-traitance ne soient pas syndiqués… Au quel cas, ils ne seront pas des centaines mais un millier sur le pont à se pogner le cul… tout ça pour quelques débiles qui veulent faire de l’esbroufe…

    • Kate 11:35 on 2019-12-21 Permalink | Reply  

      The appeal of a euthanasia order on a pitbull who bit six people in Montreal North last year has failed, although the collapse seems to be blamed mostly on procedural mistakes, and there’s some indication that Anne-France Goldwater may try to take the case to the Supreme Court.

      Maybe I’m wrong, but I would think the efforts of a master litigator like Goldwater could be used in better causes than keeping alive an animal that has proven itself unfit for human society. But people will do what they will do.

      • Ju 10:42 on 2019-12-23 Permalink

        This is idiotic. I am regularly at the Montreal SPCA, where this dog is being kept while the judicial process crawls along. The SPCA staff do all they can, but the reality is, the dog has been in its 6×6 foot kennel with little social interaction 23.5 hours / day, sedated, and clearly unhappy in a super stressful, noisy environment. He was a bouncy, happy pup when he first arrived. Now, more than a year later, he is moribund and morose. No matter where you fall on the pitbull issue, the dog is suffering because of Goldwater’s misguided glory-seeking.

    • Kate 10:52 on 2019-12-21 Permalink | Reply  

      The city is now the owner of the Technoparc Montréal in Saint-Laurent. No mention here of the wetlands in the area, a bird sanctuary whose fate has been a concern.

      • Faiz imam 12:16 on 2019-12-22 Permalink

        The parts that are already built up are ripe for densification. there are a ton of parking lots that (in theory) are no longer needed with the new Train station stop right in the middle of the space.

        My hope would be they really intensify the areas that are already cleared, and officially protect the rest.

    • Kate 10:50 on 2019-12-21 Permalink | Reply  

      Shiller Lavy has proceeded to evict residential tenants in its buildings to turn their flats into Airbnb offerings – so much more profitable.

      • Tim 14:41 on 2019-12-21 Permalink

        The end game on rental living is becoming increasingly bleak across the country. All levels of government need to come together on this, but their track record is so poor they could just as easily make things worse.

      • Ian 13:27 on 2019-12-24 Permalink

        While I’m not surprised, as I knew Shiller Lavy was trying to pull what it got away with in Mile End in HoMa, and I’m not surprised the city is dragging its heels doign anything about it, I am kind of surprised that N-D east is a hot AirBnB neighbourhood…

    • Kate 10:01 on 2019-12-21 Permalink | Reply  

      A pedestrian was killed in a mishap with a tow truck in a parking lot in St-Michel Friday evening.

      (Since this was in a parking lot and not on a sidewalk or street, do I count it as a pedestrian death in my tote board on the right?)

      • Jonathan 10:40 on 2019-12-21 Permalink

        Yes. It counts in my opinion.

      • Kate 11:37 on 2019-12-21 Permalink

        So now as the year closes we have more pedestrian fatalities than homicides. It’s an unusual comparison as it’s impossible to wish that either side should be higher at the end of the year.

      • Chris 12:32 on 2019-12-21 Permalink

        I would count it.

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