Murder in Rosemont flat #mtlcrime
There was a murder in an apartment in eastern Rosemont Saturday evening. Police have not yet specified whether the victim is a man or a woman, but Radio-Canada makes it homicide #23 on the island. I had been counting 21 till now, so I will check up.
There were two other attacks overnight that stopped short of murder.
Bill Binns 12:08 on 2019-12-23 Permalink
Rosemont is weird. You don’t see the crackheads and various street people that make Hochelaga and St Henri the wonderful and diverse communities they are but Rosemont has (comparatively) lots of gun and knife crime, arson etc. My neighbor from 2 doors down was executed in his car in Rosemont last year.
Kate 14:11 on 2019-12-23 Permalink
And yet most of Rosemont is row after row of quiet and peaceable residential streets. I don’t know what the sociological quirks are that cause the issues you mention.
JaneyB 13:14 on 2019-12-24 Permalink
Heard from some knowledgeable local a few years back and apparently the biker gangs moved from Verdun (and elsewhere?) to some part of Rosemont.
Ian 13:35 on 2019-12-24 Permalink
Rosemont-Villeray have been a hotbed of that sort of thing for well over a decade now.