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  • Kate 16:18 on 2019-12-27 Permalink | Reply  

    Till recently the STM was willing to give space to five old buses being maintained by STM retirees and current workers, but the STM wants its space back so the group is desperately seeking garage space.

    The STM’s garage is vast, so I half suspect this move by the STM is a PR gesture meant to demonstrate that it’s taking its bus responsibilities seriously. But this is how to do that: Friday morning the STM was able to tweet and post that 1440 buses are now on the road, more than the 1425 required at rush hours.

    • Daniel 16:47 on 2019-12-27 Permalink

      Might be slightly off topic, but the STM might consider sending a contingent to the U.K. to find out how they’re getting bus schedule information to the public next year: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/passengers-to-plan-journeys-down-to-the-minute-as-big-data-revitalises-countrys-bus-use

    • Spi 19:32 on 2019-12-27 Permalink

      Why would they need to send people to the UK, just cross the bridge to Laval. They’ve been doing GPS tracking and up to the minute ETA on mobile and at bus stops for years now. The scale might not be the same but I don’t think that’s the problem at this point.

    • JaneyB 11:59 on 2019-12-28 Permalink

      STM is a long-time client of the international transport logistics company ‘Giro’, a leader in the field, created and based right here in Mtl. STM’s problems must be about something other than GPS tracking.

  • Kate 10:52 on 2019-12-27 Permalink | Reply  

    Linda Gyulai looks back at the changes over the last decade in Montreal. I’ll be adding more year and decade in review pieces to this post over the next while.

    Le Devoir on the best restaurants of 2019; Lesley Chesterman on the influential restos of the decade – I’ve been advised not to cite Chesterman but I’m not the one giving out the writing assignments – and Eater Montreal has several end-of-year pieces including this one that quotes several critics on the best new restos of 2019.

  • Kate 10:18 on 2019-12-27 Permalink | Reply  

    You can drive recklessly and damage someone irreparably, taking away their livelihood and independence, and what you get is a sentence to be served on weekends and a two-year driving ban.

    • jeather 10:28 on 2019-12-27 Permalink

      Oh, I see the relevant bit in that article: “The son of a retired police officer”

    • Max 11:07 on 2019-12-27 Permalink


    • Su 11:12 on 2019-12-27 Permalink

      Why can drivers not be charged with manslaughter in such cases?

    • Robert H 11:55 on 2019-12-27 Permalink

      Je ne l’aurais pas dû lire, mais je ne pouvait m’empecher. Et maintenant, c’est frustrante et irritante d’y penser. Je me demande s’il y aura de la justice dans cette vie pour Renée Gauvin dont la vie a été completment bouleversée. J’avoue que j’aimerais oublier ça, mais j’espère que Yanik Limoges ne le fera jamais.

  • Kate 10:13 on 2019-12-27 Permalink | Reply  

    As with the other two noted domestic homicides in Montreal since the summer, the murder-suicide on Christmas involved a couple on the way to divorce. TVA has more details on the known background.

    • Kate 10:06 on 2019-12-27 Permalink | Reply  

      Two cars were torched overnight in TMR.

      • Kate 09:43 on 2019-12-27 Permalink | Reply  

        Two people were stabbed in the Point around Thursday midnight, nobody died, police have no idea what happened.

        “Forget it, Jake. It’s Point St Charles.”

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