Mobility squad stretches its legs
The city’s mobility squad has received additional funding and will be operating in all boroughs this spring. Metro’s piece collects snark from city opposition and some guy described as an expert in transportation planning.
Were the Tremblay or Coderre administrations blamed as harshly for road conditions and problems that largely derive from decades of poor planning, or no planning at all, as the Plante administration is?
EmilyG 20:31 on 2020-01-14 Permalink
Wonder if any West Island folks are going to be mad?
Kate 10:27 on 2020-01-15 Permalink
Some drivers are already mad. Some drivers transmit anger as a meme, as I noticed recently. I was being driven a short distance by someone who is a confident and calm driver. But a third person in the car is mercurial and reactive, and her responses to minor delays in traffic and her simmering anger about driving issues generally began to make the driver angry by association.
This is one reason I think media insistence on traffic “headaches” and “nightmares” is not helpful (but actually, I’ve seen those uses decline lately, so maybe I’m having a beneficial effect!). We are social creatures and we can control to an extent the attitudes we signal to others.
EmilyG, West Island folks should be happy. The squad ought to be doing something to ease traffic jams in the suburbs of Montreal (but not, I think, in the separate cities).
Kevin 10:32 on 2020-01-15 Permalink
The Squad rarely hands out tickets (each member averages 2/week unless I’ve futzed up my math) so the only people getting mad should be the entitled douchebags blocking traffic.
EmilyG 10:34 on 2020-01-15 Permalink
I think I was wondering if WI folks would be mad, because I belong to a group of them online (used to live there) and it seems many of them often complain when anything happens that they think is anti-car. But I shouldn’t assume they’re all like that.
CE 11:39 on 2020-01-15 Permalink
The expert in the Metro piece is a professor at a couple universities in the city and ran a consulting firm that did a lot of work around transportation planning. I had him for a few classes at Concordia, he knows his stuff.
Kate 20:49 on 2020-01-15 Permalink
CE, thanks for clarifying the man’s bona fides.