Demo held against 5G

A demonstration was held Saturday against the technology called 5G, a new standard in cellular communications.

So I’m like, OK, maybe these were environmentalists protesting at how a new technology will cause waste because people will throw away perfectly good phones to buy new ones. Or maybe these are social justice folks concerned about conditions in phone factories in China or the coltan mines in Africa.

Or maybe, since 5G is closely associated with Huawei, we’re back to China again and these people don’t want Canada or Canadian companies investing in Huawei?

Nope. They’re nutbars, probably aligned with the folks who didn’t want smart meters from Hydro‑Quebec. “Le vice-président du Rassemblement électosensibilité Québec (RESQ) […] portait d’épaisses lunettes noires. Sa tête était couverte d’un capuchon : il a choisi ses vêtements en fonction de leurs capacités « à bloquer les radiofréquences […] [et] a confié ressentir des symptômes lorsqu’il est exposé aux champs électromagnétiques : maux de tête carabinés, perte de vision, oreilles bourdonnantes…”