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  • Kate 20:14 on 2020-01-27 Permalink | Reply  

    The Gazette promises more detail on the Sue Montgomery débâcle, but there’s not much more in this item. Whether there was the usual office drama going on (isn’t there always?) or whether the manager was a real monster is not clear, and probably never will be, as this will not get aired out in a court of law.

    I think the oddest part about this story is the statement that neither of the people allegedly subjected to psychological harassment actually brought a complaint. If not – how did the process even get started?

    Update: A little more from TVA, in which they quote Montgomery as saying “Demander à quelqu’un de faire son travail, ce n’est pas du harcèlement.”

    • Jack 21:08 on 2020-01-27 Permalink

      I’ve been wrong before, often, but this case makes me think of this one. Career civil servants can bank on this strategy when they don’t like their political boss. https://montrealgazette.com/opinion/columnists/martin-patriquin-another-side-to-the-tamara-thermitus-story

    • Kevin 22:01 on 2020-01-27 Permalink

      Montgomery asked for an investigation into another employee.

      Sounds to me like a bunch of office workers hate each other and some are much more connected.

    • walkerp 07:18 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

      So many questions.
      Is Sue Montgomery taking this position because she hasn’t seen the report or because she doesn’t agree with its conclusion? If not, why did she call for the investigation? How does she not know what is going on with her direct report?
      And on the other side, why did Plante go nuclear so quickly? Doesn’t she need Montgomery’s support and presence in her cabinet, given the size of NDG? Could they not have talked together and worked something out?

    • walkerp 10:06 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

      Hmmm, reading through the timeline does give the impression that Montgomery had several chances. Feels like she is going to the wall to defend Harris. Either she is blind to her direct report’s behaviour or she feels there is a political motivation behind the report.

    • Blork 11:29 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

      I haven’t read extensively on this, and I have no skin in this game, but my understanding is that Montgomery was ordered to fire the assistant that she had hired, but was denied access to the report that outlined why the person should be fired.

      If it were me, and I hired someone, and my boss ordered me to fire them, I would most certainly want to know what the grounds for dismissal were. I have no opinion about Montgomery otherwise, but based on what I’ve read, I’d be in the same position as her.

    • Kate 13:19 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

      Blork, that’s how I reacted as well, but Ian says in a comment earlier that it’s not unusual, in a hierarchical situation, to be told to fire someone without knowing why. I’ve never worked in highly stratified settings myself so I’ve never encountered this.

    • Blork 13:21 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

      Kate, I did see that, but I’m not really buying it. Particularly with something like this (political bureaucracy) where everyone is always yelling about “transparency.” I know I for one would not do it so easily, even if it was the norm in my workplace.

    • walkerp 16:16 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

      It was Montgomery who ordered the investigation in the first place, so she must have known or at least heard something was up. The reason she isn’t getting the report is because the investigation itself accuses her of turning a blind eye to what was going on. Still, does seem weird. They should just show her the report to make her un-blind about what is going on, if there is actually some real harassment going on.
      But again, I she should have already known what was going on. It is her direct report. I am totally speculating here, but I wonder if she ordered the external investigation as a stalling/avoiding tactic and it ended up blowing up in her face.
      The other suspicious factor is that Harris’ first action (from what I have read) was to fire Daniel Sanger, who I guess was a Projet loyalist of some older guard. So this “harrassment” could be she is having conflicts with existing staff who were loyal to Sanger.
      But it also could be that she is not a good manager and was abusing her staff. That kind of behaviour seems almost endemic in older Quebec institutions.
      Again, so many questions.

    • Jack 08:36 on 2020-01-29 Permalink

      “Demander à quelqu’un de faire son travail, ce n’est pas du harcèlement.” Thats why Im getting the vibe that this was a unionized employee who did not like a political appointee.

  • Kate 19:58 on 2020-01-27 Permalink | Reply  

    Mathieu Bock-Côté says the situation of French in Montreal is catastrophic. There’s even graphs.

    • Dhomas 20:15 on 2020-01-27 Permalink

      Mathieu Bock-Côté is a catastrophe. I’m not even sure I want to read that article.

    • Jack 21:17 on 2020-01-27 Permalink

      Even I couldn’t read it. The guy he interviewed is also freaking out about that other English speaking bastion…Longueuil.

    • John B 21:30 on 2020-01-27 Permalink

      I’ll admit to giving up about halfway through, but…

      Pour assurer la stabilité du poids relatif à long terme des francophones au Québec, au moins deux conditions seraient requises : 1) que les transferts linguistiques des immigrants aillent à 90% environ vers le français et 2) que les francophones n’effectuent pas de transferts nets vers l’anglais.

      Ces chiffres sent la bécosse. Je me demande dans quel trou il les ai trouvé.

      In that section he’s talking about how 55% of allophones switching to French as a preferred language won’t be enough to keep growing the use of French. I’m not sure what he’s talking about, but show me an investment with a 5% payoff every year and I’ll take it every day.


      For fun, I Googled “MBC Graph”


    • John B 21:33 on 2020-01-27 Permalink

      I guess images get eaten by the blog, that’s probably for the best. It was a down-and-to-the-right chart of some cryptocurrency with the symbol MBC.

    • Kevin 00:04 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

      The French-descended people, not the language. But that kind of sloppiness is typical of MBC and his followers.

    • mare 01:42 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

      I love the graphs, with a resolution of a few percentile points between top and bottom. The margin of error in these polls is probably bigger than that.

  • Kate 14:07 on 2020-01-27 Permalink | Reply  

    Reports have varied on whether snow was going to be picked up after Saturday’s mixed precipitation, and in which boroughs. My own borough only just chimed in on Facebook that it was going to follow suit with the boroughs planning a pickup.

    They’ll have to move fast, because it’s melting away, lakes big enough to be named growing at street corners.

    • Kate 14:01 on 2020-01-27 Permalink | Reply  

      The STM has been testing electric buses on the 36 Monk bus route for two years, and now it’s ready to declare it the first all-electric bus route in the system.

      • Ephraim 09:59 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

        Plenty of all-electric buses in Toronto…. Maybe all-battery-electric?

      • Kate 13:51 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

        Well yes. We don’t have the overhead cabling for the other kind of electric bus.

      • Ephraim 14:37 on 2020-01-28 Permalink

        But that’s not the “first all-electric bus route”, is it? Trolley buses are electric. Toronto has had them since 1922. Heck, Montreal had them until 1966. But Vancouver still runs them.

    • Kate 13:58 on 2020-01-27 Permalink | Reply  

      Lizzo, Kendrick Lamar and the Foo Fighters will be on the bill at Osheaga, at the end of July.

      • EmilyG 14:50 on 2020-01-27 Permalink

        That’s pretty neat.
        I was only at Osheaga once, though I might like to go again. I’ll wait and see what other bands/artists are playing.

      • denpanosekai 17:11 on 2020-01-27 Permalink

        Section.80, HiiiPoWeR

      • EmilyG 19:35 on 2020-01-27 Permalink

        Ah, they have the rest of the lineup announced now.

    • Kate 08:49 on 2020-01-27 Permalink | Reply  

      Last year saw a record 26 road rage incidents recorded by the SPVM.

      • Kate 08:46 on 2020-01-27 Permalink | Reply  

        A young man was shot in Rosemont Sunday evening, non-fatally, but is not cooperating with police.

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