City employees make money: a scandal?
The Gazette tries to make a scandal over how many city employees are making more than $100,000 a year. If this is a problem, how do you fix it? Demand they accept radical cuts in salary? Or fire them and hire people with no experience at $35K?
Michael Black 11:38 on 2020-02-05 Permalink
Actually, some group keeps track, and they are most likely the ones “trying to make a scandal”.
For a long time Ben & Jerry’s had a rule not capping senior executives but giving a ratio of their pay to the lowest paid. If the expensive cutives got a raise, so did the lowest employee.
JoeNotCharles 18:10 on 2020-02-05 Permalink
The important part of the story, which was in both the headline and the first paragraph of the Gazette article, and which Kate should have included in the summer – is “according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation”. In other words, yes Libertarian ideologues think it’s a scandal that city employees make money. The obvious way to fix the problem is to fire them and NOT hire replacements – the Canadian Taxpayers Federation wants government to not receive or spend any money, ever..