Google to build new office here
Google is set to build new offices in three Canadian cities including Montreal. This item says, tersely, the office will be on Viger. But it does say build, so it doesn’t sound like they’ll simply move into the old Viger Station building.
Update: The Journal says Google will be hiring a lot of people here.
denpanosekai 22:19 on 2020-02-06 Permalink
Nah it’s at 425 Viger which has been adding a couple extra floors for the past 2 years or so (since Visa Desjardins moved out) and also took over an empty lot at Hermine and Gauchetiere. Great renovation but I look forward to its completion:
denpanosekai 22:34 on 2020-02-06 Permalink
This article has much better information:
Kate 22:51 on 2020-02-06 Permalink
Meezly 11:28 on 2020-02-07 Permalink
Great, look forward to more workers flooding Square Vic metro during rush hour.
Filp 19:26 on 2020-02-07 Permalink
This would certainly be Champs de Mars, not Square Victoria
Filp 22:04 on 2020-02-07 Permalink
Oops you’re actually right!! I was thinking of the wrong area! Square Vic it is