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  • Kate 20:25 on 2020-03-02 Permalink | Reply  

    Compost pickup will be extended to bigger buildings in four boroughs as the city works toward doing universal composting by 2025.

    I live in a sixplex and, to my observation, mine is the only one of the six households that puts out a composting bin. I’d guess at best one out of three addresses on my block is doing it. I hope people wise up.

    • Kate 19:07 on 2020-03-02 Permalink | Reply  

      The city (the mid to north end, anyway) has attained one of its classic awful conditions: wide puddles at every corner, with most of the water over slabs of ice, so every step has to be taken with care. I thought it was just me being ultra careful crossing my own street (iced-up sidewalk, low berm of soggy, icy snow, then slabs of wet ice rutted by tires, stretching across to another low, wet, treacherous berm of icy snow, and then another iced-up sidewalk, and my front walk also in a frightful state) but I just went out to throw some salt around and watched my upstairs neighbour also taking his time picking his steps among the mess.

      Be careful out there.

      • Spi 22:27 on 2020-03-02 Permalink

        It’s interesting that they seemed to have paid special attention to that specific issue at the start of the winter , the guy in charge of snow removal even made special mention of it in several interviews and now when it counts and we’re going to have 3-4 days of above 0 temperatures (thus melting snow), seems like they didn’t bother. Do they not learn lessons from year to the next? This entire week is just going to be water everywhere.

      • dwgs 08:22 on 2020-03-03 Permalink

        It’s probably easier to deal with at the beginning of winter because the storm drains aren’t nearly as frozen as they are late in the winter. The only way to solve the problem is to give the water somewhere to go which would mean clearing all the storm drains of ice.

      • walkerp 08:37 on 2020-03-03 Permalink

        California has an adopt-a-drain program, where residents are encouraged to ensure their local drains are clear of debris. They don’t have ice and snow like we do, but the debris is an issue. They should do that here. For sure in the Plateau at least there should be one or more old-school resident who would take it upon themselves to clear the drain on their block. I do it on mine and any others I can easily break up on the way to work. It’s quite satisfying when you do get a hole in the ice and the puddle drains out. Passers-by are often quite pleased as well.

      • Joey 10:06 on 2020-03-03 Permalink

        @walkerp is right WRT how satisfying it is to liberate a blocked drain.. same thing happens in the fall when the fallen leaves accumulate. That being said, it would be useful for the city to deploy its workers to check each drain. Ah well.

      • G 13:22 on 2020-03-03 Permalink

        I’ve seen city workers clearing drains this winter in my area of Villeray

    • Kate 13:51 on 2020-03-02 Permalink | Reply  

      It’s a month till the closure of the Mount Royal tunnel for REM construction, but no plans have yet been announced whether there will be anything extra to aid users of the Deux-Montagnes line besides a bus link between Bois-Franc and Côte-Vertu metro. Looking back, had we started building the Bois-Franc metro extension two years ago, this would be a piece of cake. Instead, commuters will spend as much as an extra hour going each way.

      • Kate 13:17 on 2020-03-02 Permalink | Reply  

        Only half of the dog euthanasias ordered by the city since the new law in August 2018 have been carried out because the animals simply can’t be found.

        • Kate 09:16 on 2020-03-02 Permalink | Reply  

          Last year TVA alleged that untrained drivers were at the wheel of large and dangerous snow removal machines, and that practically anyone with a licence could walk in and be hired on the spot. Now they say this situation hasn’t changed.

          • EmilyG 10:31 on 2020-03-02 Permalink

            I wonder if this explains the scary late-night experience I had recently trying to get home, where there was a big snow-clearing vehicle driving all over my street and I wasn’t safe even on the sidewalk. I had to keep dodging it and/or trying to see that it saw me.
            Though admittedly, this was after a big snowfall and I don’t know if this driver was inexperienced, or if bullfighting a snowplow is just a normal thing to happen.

        • Kate 09:14 on 2020-03-02 Permalink | Reply  

          On the weekend, Mayor Plante was campaigning in St-Léonard in support of the Projet candidate in the March 15 byelection. One of her councillors there ascended to federal politics last year.

          • Kate 09:09 on 2020-03-02 Permalink | Reply  

            La Presse reveals the unique and luxurious yacht that SNC-Lavalin arranged to buy for Saadi Gadhafi, Muammar G.’s third son. The Wikipedia article is worth reading, if only to appreciate the many hopeless efforts made to allow Saadi to fulfil his fantasy of playing soccer at a professional level; it’s unclear from Wikipedia where Saadi is now.

            • Kate 08:57 on 2020-03-02 Permalink | Reply  

              The city’s family doctors have doubts that the provincial plans for coronavirus will be sufficient when the virus really hits here.

              • Kate 08:36 on 2020-03-02 Permalink | Reply  

                Major work begins Monday morning at McGill Metro to add elevators and a new entrance and improve the waterproofing of the station. Item includes a description and diagram of temporary changes in the area, including road closures.

                • Max 11:03 on 2020-03-03 Permalink

                  Between this project, the REM, PVM, and the redo of Ste-Cat, construction in the area is pretty intense.

                  STM’s page on the metro project says McGill’s mezzanine’s to be renovated next. I suppose that will be in conjunction with making the connection to the REM station.


                • Michael Black 12:03 on 2020-03-03 Permalink

                  The tunnel between the Atwater Metro and Westmount Square has been cleaned up, so I think the construction there is over or soon finishing. But I don’t see where the elevator is going, so in retrospect maybe they were just using that area to store things

                • Kate 14:05 on 2020-03-03 Permalink

                  So many things branch off that mezzanine that it needs to be sorted out.

                  Back in 2007 a big underground concrete slab cracked behind the Bay, on de Maisonneuve, and there was a panic about all the things tied into and connecting to that metro station. What struck me was when it came out that it was nobody’s particular job to keep track of all the engineering dependencies underground in the area. I wonder if that’s been sorted out since.

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