City unhappy with tunnel planning
Although Quebec made promises about mitigating the impact of work on the La Fontaine tunnel, the city finds the planning too skimpy and too late. Eventually Montreal city hall is going to have to come to terms with the fact that Quebec’s transport ministry is always going to sashay in and do what it likes, and leave the city to cope with the consequences. It’s what always happens.
Francesco 09:40 on 2020-03-05 Permalink
I dunno, seems Plante/Ferrandez were ecstatic when the MTQ helped them put the kibosh on the Cap-Nature project in Pierrefonds by sashaying in and announcing there simply won’t be a boulevard in the 440 ROW.
Kate 10:38 on 2020-03-05 Permalink
Obviously even the MTQ occasionally makes decisions that are beneficial to city hall’s plans. Basically, the needs of the city don’t have to concern it, and it’s not interested in making things easier on the municipal level (they were no more considerate to Tremblay or Coderre than they have been to Plante).