Building baseball stadium is controversial: OCPM

The OCPM, the city’s public consultation office, says we need a second major consultation over devoting a chunk of the Peel Basin to a baseball stadium, because the general support is just not there and the current state of the Stephen Bronfman idea is not well examined in terms of impact on the city.

This city is lukewarm about baseball and, for all his millions, Bronfman should accept that. We didn’t support it before, and because people turn out for one or two exhibition games a year at the Olympic stadium it doesn’t prove there will ever be the consistent enthusiasm needed to keep a team here.

Baseball was a 20th-century institution but it’s fading. This is also no time to devote public support to an American sports league. If the city is to put money into sports and recreation, it should be things people actually do, not things people sit still for and watch.

That’s my report. Please send me ten thousand bucks.