Obit: Rouè-Doudou Boicel
I see on Facebook that Rouè-Doudou Boicel has died. His venue the Rising Sun on Ste‑Catherine brought a lot of music to this town.
I see on Facebook that Rouè-Doudou Boicel has died. His venue the Rising Sun on Ste‑Catherine brought a lot of music to this town.
Tee Owe 16:21 on 2020-03-10 Permalink
Not sure it was on Ste Catherine- St Antoine maybe? Hope my memory still has some value
Tee Owe 16:22 on 2020-03-10 Permalink
Sad to say him Bye
Blork 17:00 on 2020-03-10 Permalink
Rising Sun was definitely on Ste-Catherine, just west of Bleury (in what is now the Quartier des Spectacles). It closed after a big fire in 1990.
Kate 19:14 on 2020-03-10 Permalink
To quibble, the Rising Sun was in the block just east of Bleury, the address being 286 Ste‑Catherine West – the same block as the Spectrum.
According to this piece in the Gazette Boicel tried to move the club down to where Rockhead’s Paradise had been, on St‑Antoine, which is what Tee Owe may be remembering, but it didn’t flourish there and he moved it back up to Ste‑Catherine. Then the fire put it out of business in 1990.
Blork 20:36 on 2020-03-10 Permalink
Kate, you’re right. I was thinking Bleury but seeing Jeanne-Mance in my mind’s eye. So yeah. Specifically, above where the Sesame restaurant is now (in the post-fire rebuild).
thomas 09:06 on 2020-03-11 Permalink
During the Rising Sun era, Boicel lived in the apartment at the corner of Ste-Catherine O and Jeanne-Mance (currently above a Starbucks).
Lisa Finken 13:43 on 2020-04-30 Permalink
I worked for him oh so briefly in 1979 at the Rising Sun, until I came to understand the conditions of working there were you had to sleep with him. No thanks!