CBC says Saturday morning that there are still only 17 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Quebec. This piece has other updates on related stories.
The STM is still running as well as doing more cleaning, and Bixi is considering launching early this year to allow more people to get around town in a socially distanced way. It’s not a done deal yet, and there’s still crusty remnants of old snow lying around in spots where Bixi stations are often placed: there’s a reason Bixi doesn’t usually open till April.
Kijiji is banning the resale of in-demand products like face masks, hand sanitizer and, God knows, toilet paper, in an attempt to reduce profiteering.
Food banks and homeless shelters are facing particular problems when considering contagion, self-isolation and social distancing issues. There have been lots of reports of panic buying and toilet paper has become a reliable punch line to all kinds of jokes.
The exhibition baseball games scheduled at the Olympic stadium March 23 and 24 have been cancelled.
TVA reports that a surgeon at Notre-Dame hospital has been quarantined after one of her patients was diagnosed with the virus.
EmilyG 14:30 on 2020-03-14 Permalink
Legault also said for people with chronic health conditions to stay inside.
Guess I’m not going outside for a while.
Michael Black 14:42 on 2020-03-14 Permalink
Is he really worried about this virus, or is it a metaphor, Montreal “polluting” the rest of the province with ideas and hijabs?
The Atwater library has cancelled events, but was staying open, when I checked yesterday evening. But now they are closing after today, to March 30th. They do have a digital library. I also noticed a few weeks ago that digital only membership in the Jewish Public Library is $20 (I hope I got that right). though if they close I don’t know how you join.
I’m surprised there wasn’t a run on libraries.
I’m not staying in, but it’s not like I’ve been anywhere much over the past year. And now, even fewer places to go.
GC 15:09 on 2020-03-14 Permalink
There wasn’t a reason to buy bottled water before, either, but that didn’t stop people.
Ephraim 19:18 on 2020-03-14 Permalink
The should close the malls and all non-essential stores, so people have less of a reason to go out. People don’t get the social distancing yet… but it’s very important. Even grocery stores need to limit how many people are in the store. Too many people at a time is a recipe for disaster.
Article I just read talks about probabilities. At today’s rate in Paris, in 250 people, there is a 95% chance there is at least one person with COVID-19.
Definitely Sacha 20:00 on 2020-03-14 Permalink
Hi, long time reader / first time caller.
Do we have a source for this bit of info, Legault saying that those with chronic health conditions should stay inside? I looked a little but didn’t find that particular bit. I have a condition and I know a few others who should know as well! Thanks!
Michael Black 20:26 on 2020-03-14 Permalink
The CBC Montreal page has a prominent article right now where it quotes Legault about seniors, then a lower bullet point says:
“Public Health Director Horatio Arruda is also asking all people with compromised immune systems or chronic ailments to avoid all non-essential outings, regardless of age.”
i hope the government is planning to deliver food because I was running out anyway, and I’m not up to fighting crowds stocking up. I’m not worried about catching it, just the crowded grocery stores.
Though I suppose the route to take is order in supplies, which likely come further up the supply chain so restocking isn’t the same issue as at stores.
EmilyG 20:35 on 2020-03-14 Permalink
Thanks, Michael Black.
My initial source was a CBC reporter live-tweeting Legault’s speech (and I did ask her for clarification on that point, and she said he did indeed say that.)
Though if it says for chronic-ailment people to avoid non-essential outings, maybe I can go down to the local store sometime.
Dhomas 05:55 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
I stocked up on food. My freezer is full as is my cold room. Not because I’m worried about stores running out of food, but because I don’t want to have to deal with it when the social distancing stuff gets more severe. My brother is in Italy. They only let 6 people in the grocery store at once. When he goes out to walk his dog, there are government trucks with loud speakers telling him (and everyone else) to go back indoors. If we’re heading towards this scenario, which I think we are, I’d rather be prepared.
Definitely Sacha 06:44 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
Thanks for the info! I’m going to take better stock of what I’m low on and stock up today (carefully) since I suppose I’ll be at home a whole lot more now, ’till who-knows-when.
I do feel that it would be helpful for a little more detail regarding the advisory. “Anyone with a condition” is pretty clear to those who have one but really quite broad to anyone else. Might motivate more calls to the phonelines.
Any word on how this might affect the filing of everyone’s taxes? 😛
Alison Cummins 08:16 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
Ok, so how are Italian dogs supposed to be emptied if they can’t be walked? That seems like a pretty essential outing to me.
Also, dog-walking should be very low-risk. It’s outside, involves only one person and no touching of surfaces.
Francesco 09:00 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
THIS is why I say restricting foreign travel is just for show at this point.
The fourth graphic that shows the clusters is telling, with only a tiny cluster of infections that were the result of travel. Once the local spread began, community interaction was by far the biggest contributor to the spread.
Francesco 09:02 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
Ok I give up, I never have luck with the mobile version.
Dhomas 10:38 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
@Alison: they let his dog do his business. As you said, it’s pretty low risk as it’s done alone (with your dog). The trucks just go around blasting the reminder for people to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary (like to make your dog poop).
Chris 10:40 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
Michael, an anti-hijab conspiracy? Really? Seems a stretch.
EmilyG, don’t take ‘don’t go outside’ so literally. It’s harmless to sit on your balcony for fresh air for example. What they mean is stay away from people and surfaces that could have the virus on them.
DeWolf 12:48 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
Why do people look at Italy and assume the same thing will happen here? Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore have successfully contained the virus through the same measures Quebec is now taking. Quarantines on inbound travellers, schools closed, everyone working from home, no large gatherings – but no public curfew. Most restaurants and bars are still open, albeit at reduced capacity. People are going out for hikes to get fresh air.
In all three places the number of cases has remained below 150, with few fatalities, minimal new cases and most patients now recovered. With everyone now taking this seriously in Quebec I think it’s more likely we will see a HK, TW or SG kind of situation here than a mysterious Italy-style explosion. Especially since we’re taking action with very few cases to begin with.
Yesterday I read somebody on social media saying that the only way to prevent “millions of deaths” was to lock yourself at home for the next two weeks. That’s absurd. This virus has run rampant since mid-November in the most populous country on earth, with zero effort to contain it until mid-January, and the total global death toll is still only 6,000. It’s a very serious situation but it’s not the apocalypse.
I’m heading out for a walk on Mount Royal… enjoy the sunshine, everyone.
Kate 12:50 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
DeWolf, I think what worries me most now is not Italy or China but the proximity of the U.S. border and the mismanagement and poor health care of all the millions just south of the border.
Tee Owe 13:08 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
I understand your point Kate but I agree with DeWolf, this is a new situation but it is definitely not the apocalypse – we should be responsible but also relax and enjoy the sunshine
Chris 15:57 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
>This virus has run rampant since mid-November in the most populous country on earth, with zero effort to contain it until mid-January
That’s how exponential growth works, slow and unnoticeable at first, then wham. But when China did make an effort to contain, they went all in.
>but it is definitely not the apocalypse
It’s only about 5% fatal, that would make a lame apocalypse. 🙂 Many will die, then life will go on.
Tee Owe 17:27 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
I must come back on a point I made before – the ‘% fatal’ depends on how many were identified as infected – those numbers are only as reliable as the testing strategies and practice. This actually relates to Kate’s comment about the US – highly variable, to be polite.
Chris 18:30 on 2020-03-15 Permalink
Tee Owe, quite right, so if anything it’s a lower fatality rate, yes? Making an even lamer apocalypse. 🙂 Not that anyone said it was the apocalypse…